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Posts posted by mastertwitch

  1. Hello successful people,

    You can call me Mastertwitch or Kenneth. I'm curious to become great on my full time freelancer and to become great on this Amazon Marketplace. I have a service that am I rendering before which is email marketing, it very saturated. I have passion for this service but never make a dime in the marketplace for past 1 year, so I decide to change a service, as we know that it against Fiverr TOS to have two accounts. I need to delete the account and move to Twitch marketing. The reason I moved to twitch is that I can render email marketing on it and help those streamers to get organic viewers and followers. I have different tested marketing plans relate to email marketing and social media marketing for those streamers.

    I tried almost everything in which am capable to do, to rank in the Fiverr algorithms and to produce valuable service, which was told in Fiverr learn. Still the same, I realized those streamers love quick results. I'm not here to said abusive words, but my experience makes me realize that. I decide to look for solution on Fiverr support, still not get the answer why buyers are not ready to click on my profile. I meet one of Fiverr staff, I was told these sentences.

    (I would advise you to make some changes in your gig, which will lead to a shift in the algorithm and may help in the positioning of your gig.) Does not mean to change services, right? After some critical thinking by myself, I found across to ask this question say, Which services on this platform that are relevant and have quality services in which potential buyers will be able to look for. It's true, all service as their own uniquest. 

    Want to get advice and knowledge before moving into another service, or should  I fight the battle by win the race in these services.
    I will love to hear from your experiences and a piece of advice.

    Thank you all


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  2. Hello
    I'm Mastertwitch, I love a music and is life. Like freelancer is life too. But my questions to these references, is that, how to create the gigs, What will the dept of the description? What are the related services? How to make money on it? Will Fiverr give us space? That is what will need to be focus now.
    Thanks for some pro have been given us software to used. I will like us discuss on it

    Best Regards

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