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Posts posted by sazzad_wp

  1. 3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @sazzad_wp -

    Your impressions had a spike for a couple of days and then returned back to normal, so your current impressions appear to be consistent with what you have been seeing, historically. Just because you had a spike doesn't mean that you lost any visibility in search.

    How are your clicks and orders looking? Are they going up, down, or remaining consistent as well?

    Impressions only tell part of the story. I usually don't worry about impressions if I'm getting consistent orders.

    Yes, it's perfectly okay to share your gig on social media to increase traffic to your gig.

    (note: traffic from social media does not affect impressions because the traffic is going straight to your gig, not to Fiverr search).

    kindle see right now too much problem no order just 2-3 click.



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  2. On 10/26/2022 at 3:11 AM, vickieito said:

    Hi @sazzad_wp

    You have orders, great reviews, and great images in your Live Gallery. I wouldn't worry too much about your "gig rank." You just recently joined Fiverr earlier this month, so to already have 8 reviews is pretty amazing. Most sellers won't get orders so quickly.

    Your gig rank probably dropped because Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers and when that boost disappears, your impressions may drop. However, you are getting fairly regular orders and happy customers. So as long as you continue doing that, your gig should be visible to your buyers.

    Just so you know, what you see in search isn't what your buyers will see. I have a hard time finding myself in search, but I still get regular buyers ordering from me. Fiverr's algorithm gives each buyer a different view - so they may see you higher up in search than you see yourself (so it's useless to try searching for yourself).

    What you should focus on is how many impressions, clicks, and orders you are getting.

    Impressions will show you how visible you are in search. Higher impressions will get your gig shown to more potential buyers. You can increase your impressions by continuing to keep your buyers happy, being responsive, and keeping your seller statistics in good standing. Fiverr won't promote sellers with subpar performance. You can also increase your impressions by making sure your title, tags, and gig descriptions are relevant to the buyers you are targeting. Use the words that they would use when searching for your services.

    Clicks will show you how attractive your gig is in search. Higher clicks means that you are attractive to many buyers. You can increase your clicks by keeping your buyers happy, having attractive gig images, adding a gig video to both of your gigs, having a competitive price, and having a clear title.

    Orders will show how healthy your business is. Pay attention to your conversion rate - if you are getting many clicks but no orders, you aren't convincing people to order from you. Instead, they are moving on to your competition. Your goal is to get buyers to visit your gig and place an order. Your gig description, gallery images, FAQs, and profile should be written specifically with that in mind. 

    see its happened suddenly. I post my gig on social media I get some buyer from there and take the order on fiverr. is it allow share my gig on social media and get buyer from there ? also please know me when the issue will be fix


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  3. On 10/14/2022 at 6:47 AM, vickieito said:

    If you lost Promoted Gigs, you can always requalify. A huge part in requalifying is your buyer satisfaction in the form of public and private reviews. 

    • Three months ago, you had two 4-star reviews. The buyers could have rated you low in the private reviews (which you never see).
    • Two months ago, you received a 1-star review. This most likely had the biggest impact on your eligibility for Promoted Gigs. 
    • One month ago and then two weeks ago, you received more 4-star reviews, which again could have resulted in negative private reviews.

    Negative private reviews can stay on your gig and profile for 60 & 90 days. Fiverr doesn't want to promote gigs where customers aren't fully satisfied, so work on getting your buyer satisfaction rate up. It might take time to clear all the negative reviews from your record, but it can be done.

    can you tell me why I loss my gig rank and how I can back my gig rank. I complete all order with my clients satisfaction also all clients give me 5 star. please help me

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  4. 18 minutes ago, onlineteam08 said:

    It's automatically a process of Fiverr. 

    Don't worry...

    Just maintain good communication with buyers and complete order with 5 star rating.



    i don't know suddenly why my gig downed . I trying my best and all buyers are 100% satisfied with my work

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