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Posts posted by symakhan84

  1. Hello Everyone

    Thank you all for your amazing response. I also checked some online freelance forums and found the following suggestion.

    1) The key is to optimize your Fiverr gig with relevant keywords. Start by researching and finding the most relevant keywords for your service or product. Then, incorporate those keywords into your gig's title, description, and tags. Use keyword-rich images to help search engines find your listing more easily.

    2) Offer a free bonus to customers. For example, if someone orders your gig for $5, offer an additional bonus service, such as a video tutorial or an e-book related to your product or service. This will help attract more potential buyers.

    3) Fiverr offers many advantages over Upwork. The biggest difference is that Fiverr does not take a percentage of the money earned by sellers, which can be as high as 20 percent on Upwork. Plus, Fiverr has an easier-to-use interface and provides more control to sellers regarding pricing and services offered. Additionally, Fiverr has a wider range of categories than Upwork, so if you want to offer services outside the traditional freelance marketplaces, then Fiverr is an excellent choice.

    4) The best way to increase the impression of Fiverr gigs is to create an attractive listing with a detailed description and eye-catching images. Additionally, you should ensure your gig is properly categorized, so it appears in relevant searches. Utilizing keywords for titles and descriptions can also help ensure potential buyers can find your gig. Finally, cross-promoting your gigs on social media channels is an excellent way to increase visibility and draw attention to your offerings. With the right combination of efforts, you can ensure that your Fiverr gigs get plenty of impressions.

    5) To stand out from the competition, it's important to offer something unique and valuable that other sellers don't. Consider adding extra services like discounts or providing samples of your work to give potential buyers a better idea of what they can expect from you. You should also consider offering multiple packages with distinct features and prices, so there is something for everyone.

    6) I have found a few coupon sites for Fiverr. I am sharing them here for you to review so that you can decide which one best suits your needs:



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  2. Hello Everybody By profession, I am a freelancer. I've spent a lot of time in the field. Recently, I've moved to Fiverr. The platform is great for freelancers, therefore more and more people are joining it. I'd like to be a part of this network as well. However, while building my profile, I got stuck in some aspects, also I have some confusion about a few things. I hope someone will help me out!

    How can I optimize my Fiverr gig to rank it for the first page?

    What are some very unique tips to get your first order on Fiverr?

    How much better is Fiverr than Upwork? How do I get my first client on Fiverr?

    What is the best way to increase the impression of Fiverr gigs?

    What are the best ways to stand out from the competition on Fiverr?

    How can I find coupons for Fiverr? I have found some coupon sites for Fiverr. Please share your reviews on them.

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