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Posts posted by azharulhassanqu

  1. Sucks to be here. I only messaged one person and I asked him to tell me how all his gigs are at no. 1 with a new profile and zero reviews. 

    My account had previously 2 violations. Once, a was sending a website link to a buyer to refer him as the type of content he wanted and fiverr gave me a warning. Next time my account got warning because I used the term "assignment" in my gig title. I clearly indicated that I'll only guide you and help you. But they didn't listen. 


    Even this time around, I didn't know that my message would be marked as spam. Cuz like you said I also got so many spams in last 1 month. 

    And i was not even offering or asking anything wrong.. 


    Fiverr needs to listen to people otherwise it won't stand for long. Upwork is way better. Fewer deductions from buyers. Use of connects. 


    I'll wait for 90 days and if they didn't let me back in, I'll move to upwork and write blogs to make shift people to upwork. 

    Pathetic Fiverr. 

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  2. Hello. So my account on fiverr is restricted because of something that I sincerely didn't know is considered a spam. (i texted someone to help me teach how to make good gigs) 

    Now it's under restrictions for 90 days. My question is, are there any chances of me getting my account back after 90days. Or should I say goodbye to fiverr and try other platforms. 


    (Needless to say, so disappointed at Fiverr that without listening to our side of story they can destroy our profile and efforts of years. After getting 20% cuts from our account, this is what we get from fiverr. Not a listen to our requests or pleas that we never spammed.) 

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  3. 2 hours ago, tharinduslaksha said:

    Because you didn't follow fiverr's rule, they did give you a warning. then you edited your gig. and fiverr thinks it is a new gig. so, that is the reson your gig impressions are lossing. It will be okay with the time.

    Good Luck

    That gig is removed. This is happening to my other gigs

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  4. On 9/23/2022 at 3:13 PM, abdullah141 said:

    Yes. when you do it properly you will get the gig on the search. and update changes will affect after 24 hours. 

    It's more than 48 hrs and i still have zero new impressions on all gigs 😞

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  5. Hello everyone. One of my gigs was taken down after a warning  and according to the warning i was offering a service that's against fiverr's TOS.

    Now the issue is all my impressions on other gigs are also gone down to zero. 


    Will it get better or I'm done with fiverr? Please let me know. I'm very worried. Thanks

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  6. 5 minutes ago, abdullah141 said:

    That's mean. You provide some service which against the fiverr rules. that's why You get the warning. I prefer you to change your gig and add service which fiverr allow. 

    Thank you brother. Yes i know what it means. But I'm saying that none of my other gigs are now shown in search as well. Will they come back in search after sometime or they will never come back?

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  7. My account recieved a warning and after that all my gigs are deranked and not showing in search even with full title search. 

    Is it some form of restriction? And for how long will it stay like this? Or this is end of my fiverr journey? 

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