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About husnain8888

  • Birthday 09/17/2003


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  1. husnain8888


    I am creating a new gig but fiverr is showing illegal characters error in gig description i have deleted all content and wrote only these few lines but still same... " 1. Web designing of custom websites (portfolio, business, ecommerce or personal websites). 2. FIGMA to HTML CSS Bootstrap 3. PSD to HTML CSS Bootstrap 4. Customization and redesigning of sites"
  2. Hey there, few days ago i received messages in inbox from two clients. Both of them share their requirements ask about my skills and stuff like that. They both didn't send any message like against TOS etc , they talked about the work they need only. But both times fiverr marked them spam by displaying message that they are not longer be contacted. What was that??
  3. husnain8888


    how much impressions per day a good gig shoud has?
  4. husnain8888


    HELLO everyone, I have 2 gigs but their performance is too bad. I know it takes time but number of impressions are too low like 2 or 3. Can any expert guide what's wrong with gig. Would be very grateful. THANKS!
  5. husnain8888


    Sir as a beginner i have a question. "Is this good to customize your gig every second day if not getting impressions?"
  6. husnain8888


    I know and i will change images to my own design proper images thanks for your suggestion Sir. But what sgould i do for impressions.
  7. husnain8888


    image is not for getting impressions it 's for clicks if my gig is not appearing on good pages then how will anyone see my image?
  8. husnain8888


    I have created a gig 3 days ago and the gig is also well optimized. It's almost 72 hours when i published my gig and i have been active for almost 50 to 55 hours but i have only 1 impression. Irritating!
  9. husnain8888


    Is it good to delete all gigs because of no order and then make new professional gigs????
  10. how disgusting is this to drop from level two to new seller. Thanks you guided me and i hope i will overcome this issue soon
  11. yes i have just blocked them "thanks for your guidance"
  12. Hello can anyone guide me why my response rate become 0 ? I responded to every buyer within one hour except of those who asked me to come on telegram and i know they all are scammers.
  13. husnain8888


    Can anyone visit my gig and check what is going wrong with my gig as i am not getting good impressions and clicks?
  14. husnain8888


    What should i do with my gigs, bcz my impressions are going down day by day?
  15. husnain8888


    why my impressions is going down?
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