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Posts posted by bushanwar

  1. I absolutely love your insight on these new changes and I totally agree with the problems regarding the value for money metric. What makes it so much worse is that Fiverr chose to equate the adjective "exceptional" with 5 stars. Exceptional implies that we give the client more than they paid for or expected. How is that reasonable?

    Another issue in my field (presentation design) is that not all work even has the capacity to be described as exceptional. If I'm taking a blank slide and creating a polished branded deck out of it, that's exceptional, but other times I'm simply expected to integrate their pre-made brand guidelines which is a straightforward task. 

    As for delivery extensions and multiple revisions, I had no idea that had a negative impact on our gigs. My recent batch of clients have requested revision and extensions because they were waiting on a team member to get back to them with feedback or they were too busy. How is that my problem? If I start rushing them now, I'll probably come across as impatient and get rated poorly in private reviews.  I'm now wondering if this is the reason my impressions have fallen from 800 impressions a day to 100 a day since last week. 

    Fiverr should have first done more to inform us about ways in which private reviews are impacting our performance before moving on to a whole new level system.  I've registered for their upcoming webinar on these changes, so let's see how it goes. 

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