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Posts posted by lu2dgames

  1. I'm confused - I don't have a passport (too ill to travel), driver's license (ditto) and the UK doesn't have a national ID card.  They won't accept my Westminster Arts Council ID (no picture but a reference number containing all my info, including picture).  I was born here, so don't have nationality/refugee papers.


    Will fiverr accept a Citizen ID card?  They don't mention it in the bumpf they eventually sent after they kept sending me the ID link and boilerplate info.  They haven't answered me yet and it's been 3 days. 


    Any help appreciated!  Here's a kitten pic as a thank you in advance:


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  2. On 9/20/2022 at 9:16 AM, zakir_developer said:

    Welcome to fiverr Forum. 


    On 9/20/2022 at 10:32 AM, deba_mittra said:

    Welcome to our fiverr community. Best wishes!!


    On 9/20/2022 at 10:44 AM, reena_wix said:

    Welcome to fiverr.. ☺


    On 9/20/2022 at 12:10 PM, zahidhasan914 said:

    Welcome to Fiverr forum

    Thank you all!  It's been good so far!  😄

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  3. Thank you all!  I may as well do a bit of self-promotion - I do game testing through Fiverr.  Outside of it, I'm making my first video game for release called 'Sugar Muffin Cafe', a cafe management sim with mystery, romance and cannibalism!  I'm on twitter as @LU2Dgames, where you can see me spend way too much time crying at the art asset creation process and getting side-tracked by the final stages of my ttrpg-inspired card game, 'That F^£$!&g Bard!'

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  4. I've worked in IT for years.  I'm so old I remember the 5 1/2" disks coming out.  OLD.

    All those years getting colossally under-paid working with tech firms and game publishers and I finally think "screw it, I want to game test, it makes me happy" and now I'm doing it.  And enjoying myself.  I'm working from home so I'm not spending money in order to work and get to keep the games too.  


    Wish I'd done this sooner, have a picture of a kitten.


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  5. 39 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    The last kitten looks like one of my boys from a long time ago! I miss having a cat but my current lifestyle won't let me have pets (small apartment close to the center, out a lot, etc.) This post might have finally convinced me to try and find a shelter where I could volunteer at though! It's a bit hard abroad but I'd love to help brighten some pups' and cats' day a bit!

    Do it!  They'd appreciate it and I'm sure you'll have a great time 😄

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