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Posts posted by theseorocket

  1. 3 minutes ago, breals said:

    It may well be that your gig violates the Fiverr TOS by using organisations such as Microsoft, Amazon and Adobe in the Title.  These companies don't like their names being banded around, and it may well be that Fiverr have received complaints from them. 

    As a new seller, Fiverr may think that your 'high quality' backlinks may be spammy and do not want to take the risk?

    In my opinion only. 

    Got it, Maybe this will be the reason. Is there any Possibility? Can I back my Gig again?? If I contact to support. (I don't know what is meant by TOS violation) - Unfortunately It was mistake. 

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  2. Since 1 year ago,  I sell this service. and Don't get any warning. Today I just Edit my Gig title and submit for publishing. 

    after submitting for publish, I get warning that My Gig was removed (Denied). 

    I don't know, what was the violation reason (offering is prohibited by our Community Standards) - I really don't know. I just change my Gig title getting Buyer attraction.

    My question is, I just change the title - LIke: create 100 high authority profile backlinks from amazon, adobe, ted, and Microsoft.

    Can I back my Gig again?? If I contact to support.


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