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Posts posted by hire_99designer

  1. Seems that you have a lot more experience working on Fiverr than me, but I've had the same problem as you. What I did is I just moved on and tried to dominate another search list, and it has worked! 

    I think it could be because Fiverr tries to give all sellers in the same category "a chance" to get to the top of the search list, but I could be completely wrong.

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  2. Matters on what type of services you are offering tbh. 500 impressions can seem low in a "background removal gig", but it's a lot more on a "website development gig". I've been getting 1000 impressions a day lately and I've been having a hard to maintain all the orders. Still being able to do all the orders though, since I've hired another person to help me!

    But yeah, it's mostly matters on how hard your service is to actually be completed. 

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  3. Your gigs aren't specific enough. That's it.


    You are trying to compete with a market that has thousands of other sellers doing a better job than you for even a cheaper price. You need to be more specific with what you're trying to sell, to avoid the huge competition you currently have. Instead of selling services for HTML/CSS/JS websites (which btw: you can find around 45.000 other gigs), you can try to minimize as much competition as possible. When you be more specific with your gigs, your competition is decreased instantly. For ex: there are only 2000 gigs with "portfolio website" in their title, you can decrease this even more, by being more specific: "charity portfolio website" has only 200 gigs. The best services you can offer are the ones that have high-demand, but that also not a lot of sellers are selling.


    Once I learned this lately, I was able to dominate only 1 service category. Now I get 1000 impressions per day and 2-3 requests every day.


    2 things you should focus on:
    - Trying to find low-competition markets with high demand

    - Being the best in that specific market(you can figure this out on your own 😉)


    Also, I would suggest you read these links:




    Other than that, I just want to say that without working hard, you won't achieve much. You are doing the same thing that hundreds of thousands of other sellers are doing: just setting up the profile and a few gigs, and you expect orders. The only way to find success in your gigs is to outwork everyone else. You need to show Fiverr that you are different than all of the other sellers.

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