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Posts posted by keivnjohnson

  1. I’m a travel agent with access to special pricing that can save a ton on flights and I want to offer this as a service but can I sell airfare on fivver? What I would like to offer is finding cheap airfare and if the buyer agrees to the price sell them airfare but I would have to get their CC and personal information to book the flights and I feel this could be the point that I could possibly break the fivver user agreement? If anyone can let me know if it is ok or not to provide this service I would really appreciate it. 

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  2. I am new to Fiverr and want to post my first gigs soon. I want to do travel related gigs like planning Itineraries and helping find the best flights and hotels. Should each subcategories have there own gig? Should I have one gig for flights, one gig for hotels, one gig for itinerary or just one single gig that offers all those services? 


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