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Posts posted by masha_kie

  1. 8 hours ago, moonstaredits said:

    Given how sketchy things were I doubt this is true. Most scammers say this to get you to do free work for them. They prey on new sellers because they tend to believe those promises... If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is fake or a scam.

    No, it's an apparel company.They already ordered from me and payed, and told me they will  have much more images. They accepted the order and only after asked me to upload the image on google drive saying that's what other people from fiver did for them.

    But anyway thank you, it's really against Fiverr terms of use

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  2. 1 hour ago, moonstaredits said:

    Send the final delivery always on Fiverr. Tell them that you're not allowed to send it anywhere else. Otherwise they can cancel the order arguing you didn't send them anything and you will loose your money.

    I don't know about this one but I would play safe and ask them to send the files as an attachment here on Fiverr... If they refuse to accept these terms (which are Fiverr ToS at the end of the day) maybe you should not work with them, report them or cancel the order, whatever applies in your case.

    Thank you

    I did all of that, but as a result I lost a customer, who was going to order more with me😩

    But you are wright

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