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Posts posted by danstennett

  1. 21 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    There is. You cancel it and then you contact support to remove it from your stats but they will do it ONLY if you didn’t start the work and didn’t try to deliver the order and informed your client right away that what he ordered is not covered in your gig. 
    And FAQs you need to protect your case for customer support. If you don’t have FAQs or disclaimers in the description then support wouldn’t be able to remove it from your stats. 

    Haha begging customer support to remove it from your stats is not a feature, that's definitely a flaw.

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  2. 15 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:


    If you want to protect yourself you can create FAQs stating the things that you will need from a client side to make let’s say his internet speed faster and if after they submit requirements and you check what they have doesn’t match your requirements then you can cancel without starting the work.

    Unless I'm missing something, I see no option to refuse a job once the requirements are submitted (because it happens after the order is made), meaning i have to raise a dispute to cancel the order if they are impossible reqs and then I get penalized for it. Its the wrong way around.

    Additionally, writing an FAQ provides no ratings protection. The user has no obligation to care about any FAQ can still cancel for any reason, and the seller gets penalized for that.

    How are you not seeing the flaw here? xD 

    here is an entire thread explaining this exact issue by another fellow programmer:


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  3. 3 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Unfortunately you can’t fix it. You couldn’t satisfy your buyers and you cancelled to avoid bad reviews and that’s not the reason not to count it towards your completion ratio. 

    Thanks for your opinion but its a bit of a shortsighted answer.

    If someone wants A which i can do, then makes an order, then realizes they actually want B which is literally impossible. Why should I be penalized for their cancellation?

    Is there really nothing in place for this situation?

    It's a bit different for a designer such as yourself to just change a design to satisfy, however with scripting, some things you cannot script such as making the clients internet speed faster...

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  4. Hi All, 

    FYI, my gig is programming script writing.

    i have had nothing but 5 star reviews and always strive satisfy my buyers. however...

    I have had a couple of quite tough buyers who misunderstood what they needed (misrepresent?) with their requirements for a few jobs now. The issue is that their requirements did not match their expectations and intentions for the script due to their (understandable) inexperience on the subject and environmental factors (usually performance) of which I cannot always resolve for them and very difficult to anticipate in order to set expectations prior to job creation.

    In these cases, these led to the buyers understandably wishing to cancel the jobs, which I was more than happy to do as they were not satisfied in the end and forcing them to accept a purchase of a script that doesn't work for them would lead to bad reviews.

    However this has caused my completion rating to drop which means I cant get to the next seller level.

    I have always tried to resolve issues and tried to ensure buyers understand what they want so complete jobs end with happy customers.

    Both the buyer and myself ended the jobs mutually. Why am I still penalized?? How do i get this fixed?

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