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Posts posted by ennyolah_l

  1. It is truly sad to see how much the platform makes just 1 cancellation affect what you have spent years building because of a spitful and malicious customer. I understand that they will always take the client's side. I understand that I'll lose the money even after working for it. What I find really painful is what the cancellation calculation does to what I consider my life's work. 2 cancellation (one of which happened years ago and was judged to not affect the ocr by the CS representative) out of 93 orders and my ocr is showing 85% and I am then supposed to miraculously get orders and complete it before 15th of this month or be deranked?
    Then I completed an order even before the deadline and the ocr moves to 86%. I had to go check the cancellation calculation formular to be sure I wasn't going crazy. I'm an HR professional and I'm not even sure if this performance appraisal system will not be damning for even high performing superstars.

    I started freelancing because I didn't want to be a slave to any employer. Now, I am not so sure if I took the right route. I'm typing all these here because I am just really exhausted. Hopefully, the decision makers will reevaluate because I do not see how the platform will survive if they start to lose competent professionals to passive agressive customers who are just here to exploit and leave.

    I am truly pationate about the Fiverr platform but I really wish that they woud take a better approach.

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