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Posts posted by jacopaz6100

  1. Hi,


    In terms of pricing, I am one of the lowest priced for the service I provide (AFAIK). My competitors are priced higher and they have add-ons such as Broadcast rights and SocMed buyouts etc. Adding all those up could reach can up to 50% more expensive compared to my pricing. Basically, my service is already includes these two without any additional payment.  

    My question is --- do buyers prefer that sellers have this add-on? I've clearly stated that my service already includes these. Are they possibly worried that I might come after them in the future? Having broadcast rights and buyouts for add-ons; do they provide the buyer some certificate after the order is completed? I know at the end of the day the performance/quality/service is that truly attracts and matters to the buyers but I'm just wondering if this is necessary for peace of mind on their part.


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  2. 2 hours ago, miiila said:

    If you had unavailable mode on before, check both desktop and app, to make sure it's deactivated on both, I've had it happen that I deactivated unavailable mode on the one, but it apparently hadn't updated on the other one.

    I'd also check the number of "Allowed orders in queue", and if any of your Gigs happen to be paused, even if you're sure you didn't set a number for that or ever paused a Gig, just to be safe.

    If none of that helps, I guess a support ticket is the way to go.


    About this bit:

    Depending on where you're taking this from, it might just be you looking at a rather unhappy design/coding/symbol choice on Fiverr's part; it's pretty clear when you have several orders, but if you currently have just 1, and that one in revision, too, the dash might be confusing. "Active Orders: 8", or "Active Orders: 1", in your case, would be better, the 1 being the one in revision, as it's still active until completed.


    Oh, I'm sure I dont have any other orders yet --- I dont think that photo you referenced is mine? and yup I've sent a support ticket already thanks!


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  3. Hi, I was corresponding with a buyer and the sale was about to be made. But after the buyer clicked on my custom order it notified him that I was "unavailable" 
    My profile and gig were both active and no pending orders or whatsoever. I do however have a single revision request but i've already delivered the product days before and also delivered the revision as well and that order now is under the " Awaiting response: delivered" status. My stats also say I have -1 queued orders. Maybe that's the reason? Anyway advice? thank you.

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