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Posts posted by animationbdenny

  1. Since fiverr switched to briefs i haven't gotten any work in over a year. I make pixel art and storyboards for film and your bullshit system sends me briefs to make people board games or other briefs that have nothing to do with what I offer. I am sure you will say that I need to promote myself on social media which makes sense, but please tell me why fiverr should get 21% of my money if I am doing all the hard work? Change things back to how they were so freelancers can actually make some money.

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  2. Yeah thats what I started to do. I figured if I leave fiverr open all the time it will trick the AI into thinking I am a highly active user and I respond to everything that pops up to help with that as well. I just hate the idea of fiverr making things harder for freelancers because we will miss out on jobs that we could do but now are only shown jobs fiverr thinks we can do. 

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