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Posts posted by mike84931

  1. Welcome, I've been here for 2 months now and I have 53 5* reviews. Heres what I did: 

    - Add a video to your gigs, this is not only good for conversions but Fiverr seems to like it too. 
    - Be sure to research and optimise your profile descriptions and images
    - Try some of Fiverr courses from Fiverr Learn. When you complete them you earn a badge and this definitely helps 
    - Same with Fiverr Skill tests, If your feeling confident then take one or 2 of these, even if its just the language tests as these have had a big impact on my profile and rankings 
    - Lastly, you have to go above and beyond to make your client happy. Because that one client could end up giving you 15 different reviews over time. So make it almost impossible for them not to come back for more of your service. 

    Hope that helps

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  2. You can get fairly accurate information if you just spend a little time researching. Like most things, It's just a numbers game. 

    I would recommend checking out all the categories and the top performers stats in those categories, you can also look at things like the most popular searches on Fiverr by using their search suggestions, this wont help you understand what's in demand but it will help you target the phrases that people are actively searching to find your service. You can then piece all these smaller data-points together to form a bigger picture. 

    Hope that helps

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  3. Hi, 

    Im new on Fiverr and I know that we are not suppose to work outside of the platform but I have had a lot of buyers ask for examples of my work and I was wondering if its against fiverrs policy to send a link to my website/Portfolio since I cant add it on Fiverr directly. 

    If anyone has any experience with this on any way to to work around this within fiverrs policy any advice would be great. 



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