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Posts posted by macorreag

  1. Hi,

    Unfortunately, the name of the image is also not very relevant because Fiverr uses the cloudinary service to manage the images and when they are uploaded in this service the name assigned corresponds to the name of the Gig.

    For Example this is the result for my image with another name:

    <img alt="automate your tasks through apps script" src="https://fiverr-res.cloudinary.com/images/t_main1,q_auto,f_auto,q_auto,f_auto/gigs/254838588/original/8cd53d6e67d4b1e75ad0ccb83f67df8144525702/automate-your-tasks-through-the-cloud-with-scripts.jpg" class="image-loaded">

    The name of Gig is:


    I will automate your tasks through apps script

    Both the file name and the alternate file name correspond to the title without the text "I will".

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