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Posts posted by reve_line_d

  1. 9 hours ago, khafff said:

    Thank you for the advice! I highly appreciate it. 
    Seems that I follow the same strategy - low supply + medium-high CR. I usually create 9-15 variations consisting of either horizontal or vertical placement and different colors. Not adding curved texts, additional geometry, etc.

    But I've only made 1 sale in my first month with 20+ logos, I think I'm missing something, no? 
    I mostly create minimalistic and geometric logos though, maybe that could be a problem.

    you can see this is the logo that I was talking about


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  2. 7 hours ago, khafff said:

    Thank you for the advice! I highly appreciate it. 
    Seems that I follow the same strategy - low supply + medium-high CR. I usually create 9-15 variations consisting of either horizontal or vertical placement and different colors. Not adding curved texts, additional geometry, etc.

    But I've only made 1 sale in my first month with 20+ logos, I think I'm missing something, no? 
    I mostly create minimalistic and geometric logos though, maybe that could be a problem.

    Try making a variety of logos, not just a few styles, but you can explore other styles. I think vintage is very popular. Of the 20 logos that you have and 1 logo has been sold, I think it's good. What I can suggest here is to keep uploading logos. If you have a logo with lots of views and no sales, for example 3k views, you should consider deleting/pausing this logo and replacing it with a new logo.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, reve_line_d said:

    I just want to share a little here. but I will only answer how to make your logo perform well.
    OK, actually, in order for your logo to sell, you have to make sure what kind of logo buyers are looking for. You can do research on "Insight" so don't just make a logo carelessly. Low logo supply with high CR will also have the potential for your logo to sell quickly.
    However, there are many other factors so that the logo can be sold quickly. You also have to do research not only on Fiverr but also on platforms out there where you can find several platforms that are similar to 'Logo Maker'. You can research by looking at what types of logos are often used. sold there. That way you can determine what kind of logo style will sell, don't follow your ego, try to follow the market design style of the logo that buyers are looking for.

    Then. When you have created a logo with low supply, a lot of interest (a high impression is an indication that many buyers are looking there, and a high CR, you also can't expect your logo to sell quickly.

    You also have to pay attention to the logo's metadata, where you have to be careful and completely accurate with the industry you have to enter.

    Then here are the factors that determine where your logo quality will be pitted against others.
    A good logo doesn't necessarily win because buyers' tastes are sometimes strange, you have to occasionally create a logo that is out of the box, something that other people don't think of.

    In fact, I'm not really sure that the variations have the most important influence, so I wrote the logo variations last. if you know I have a logo with more than 200 variations and what is the answer? the logo has not been sold at all. So, I prioritize creating a logo that buyers are looking for.

    just sharing my experience, for this month of December, I uploaded the Logo on around December 3 and today the Logo was sold, even the impressions haven't been seen yet because the report will come out today, but the Logo has been sold.

    This is the logo with the most variations I have ever made, but I don't rely too much on variations because the most important factor is the type of design that is in great demand.


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  4. On 11/30/2023 at 2:42 PM, khafff said:

    I'm kinda confused about this whole thing. That's a great idea, but does it really work?

    For instance, I'd love to see more "I am a buyer" points of view to understand how people choose logos.

    The way I see it, there should be a way to interact before placing an order. Something like "I love this logo, but also am wondering if it would be possible to do *this* and move *that* symbol *there*. I think Fiverr may be interested in this too since helping buyers find a logo and make it ideal with a couple of fixes may boost their revenue as well.

    Also, I think there should be more in-depth analytics for your Logo Maker performance 📈
    Let's take a look at my experience: I follow Logo Maker Team's selling recommendations, I have a lot of impressions, clicks, and favorites and have yet to receive an order. Wouldn't it would be great to find that little thing that stops buyers from buying a logo from me?

    To those who've managed to achieve a regular revenue with Logo Maker:
    How soon have you started getting orders with Logo Maker?
    What impactful solutions have helped your performance?

    Let's share our experiences and learn how to sell better! 😄

    I just want to share a little here. but I will only answer how to make your logo perform well.
    OK, actually, in order for your logo to sell, you have to make sure what kind of logo buyers are looking for. You can do research on "Insight" so don't just make a logo carelessly. Low logo supply with high CR will also have the potential for your logo to sell quickly.
    However, there are many other factors so that the logo can be sold quickly. You also have to do research not only on Fiverr but also on platforms out there where you can find several platforms that are similar to 'Logo Maker'. You can research by looking at what types of logos are often used. sold there. That way you can determine what kind of logo style will sell, don't follow your ego, try to follow the market design style of the logo that buyers are looking for.

    Then. When you have created a logo with low supply, a lot of interest (a high impression is an indication that many buyers are looking there, and a high CR, you also can't expect your logo to sell quickly.

    You also have to pay attention to the logo's metadata, where you have to be careful and completely accurate with the industry you have to enter.

    Then here are the factors that determine where your logo quality will be pitted against others.
    A good logo doesn't necessarily win because buyers' tastes are sometimes strange, you have to occasionally create a logo that is out of the box, something that other people don't think of.

    In fact, I'm not really sure that the variations have the most important influence, so I wrote the logo variations last. if you know I have a logo with more than 200 variations and what is the answer? the logo has not been sold at all. So, I prioritize creating a logo that buyers are looking for.

    just sharing my experience, for this month of December, I uploaded the Logo on around December 3 and today the Logo was sold, even the impressions haven't been seen yet because the report will come out today, but the Logo has been sold.

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  5. I am thrilled to introduce you to a one-of-a-kind logo design that I have created.

    In addition to the primary design, I have gone above and beyond by creating a selection of diverse icons, allowing potential buyers to choose the perfect symbol that aligns with Buyer specific needs. This level of customization is a rarity in the industry and provides Buyer with the freedom to make a truly unique and tailored choice.

    here's my submission : https://www.fiverr.com/s/wKXWbK

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  6. 1 hour ago, style_tycoon said:

    i think percentage should be reconsidered, it should from 20% to 80% so the seller gain maximum out of the logomaker projects.

    i strongly agree with this. that should not only 50%. reach the top tier based on the criteria i can say it's almost impossible. 

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  7. I don't think that's good news, to be honest for our sellers in logo maker. at this time we can get earnings up to 80% but for the new ones it seems packaged neatly and attractively but in the end we will only get a maximum of 50% of earnings. you should consider this more. 
    actually you don't hear us really well but
    you are actually changing the earning scheme so that the seller gets a bit of his share.

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