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Posts posted by nadeemehsan723

  1. Hello Everyone, After getting level 1, My Fiverr gigs have been deranked for the past three months.. Even after updating my gig images and keywords, I haven't seen any improvement in their performance. Currently, my gigs only get 3 to 4 impressions for 1 or 2 days and it it again gets dropped the next day. I have tried different methods to improve my gig ranking , i changed the gigs images, keywords as well as shared my gigs on social media platforms, but nothing helped. Is there anyone else who is facing this issue? Any expert here who can help me or give me the best solution for this .

    Thank you, 

    Best Regards,


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  2. On 2/24/2023 at 4:33 PM, michmikaia said:

    Did you change also the description or title? 

    I think, it's due to the modification. I frequently modified my gigs description, title and tags before. And it dropped in stat for a couple of week or 3, then it bounced up after that. 

    So it might be due to that changes

    I just changed the images and keywords/tags not the titles, all my gigs are deranked, should i put back the previous images?

    Can you please check my profile?


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  3. Hello, 

    As a level 1 seller, I recently updated the images and tags for my gigs. However, over the past few days, I have noticed a significant decrease in impressions for my gigs, and they are no longer appearing in search results, even when filtering for online sellers. I am currently only receiving 1 to 2 impressions for my gigs. Can anyone provide insight into what may be causing this issue? Could it be related to the changes I made or is this a normal occurrence? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how I can improve my profile.




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  4. Hello Everyone,

    Since completing level 1, I was not getting any new briefs or orders. To improve my visibility on the platform, I updated my gig images and tags/keywords about 2-3 days ago. Prior to the changes, my gigs consistently appeared on the 1st or 2nd page of search results and were even featured in the online seller category when searched with relevant keywords. However, since the update, my gigs are no longer appearing in search results or the online seller's category.

    I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Is this a normal occurrence or should I contact customer support for further assistance?

    Thank you for your time and guidance.



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  5. 7 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    The red symbol is just to warn you that your rating is less than 4.7 stars. If you were a leveled seller you would lose your level if your rating was below 4.7. You aren't a leveled seller, so you don't have to worry about that.

    However, I'm not sure why your profile edit view is showing 4 stars when buyer still see a 4.7 average review when visiting your page...


    Just focus on keeping your customers happy so that they can give you good reviews. If you get enough 5-star reviews, you can get your average up to 5 stars.

    Your 4-star didn't leave any clues on what you could do to improve, but one of your 5-star reviews left the following comments on what you could improve:

    So I would focus on improving that if I were you.

    Can you give me some suggestions about how can i get briefs, i have completed 6 orders previously with buyer requests, my gig is also ranked on first page but i don't get any briefs, Any suggestions that what amount should i set for briefs?

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  6. Hello Everyone.

    Need your suggestions.

    I have a question related to my gig. My gig is ranked and its on first page and i have also completed orders on this gig. I have ranked my gig on low competition keywords but now i want to rank my gig on some High competition keywords like website design or website development having a high competition.

    So should i update my gig tags or it will effect my gig ranking?

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