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Posts posted by calums_mom

  1. I know this is an old topic but I do agree that you should be able to review if a contract has to be cancelled. The system could be easily fixed so that both sides are protected. When cancelling a project there should be a REASON. If the reason is that the freelancer didn’t follow through or plagiarized or kept delaying, etc. then yes you should be able to leave a review stating so. 

    I just had to agree to cancel the contract because my freelancer extended over and over a three day project. A three day project turned into two weeks if I allowed the last extension. There was no guarantee that that last extension wouldn’t turn into five more so I should be able to leave feedback that this person did not meet deadlines and that we had to cancel due to that.


    I noticed the same thing as the OP that people have amazing reviews and that is the reason because if you cancel or the freelancer cancels then there’s nothing that can be done. And there is no way to earn any other potential client for them.


    I’ve decided not to use Fiverr for this reason since the reviews are essentially rigged in the freelancers favor. No other service does this.

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