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Posts posted by mikucchi

  1. 1 hour ago, dianeofmusgrave said:

    From what I understand and I am trying to get confirmation on this but no one wants to be straight with me. If you have ever had any cancellations ever in your history then they are being held against you if they deem that it is a "bad cancellation". How they sort good and bad cancellations I don't know. The fact that the word "transparency is part of this new system is an absolute joke.

    Yes. You're correct. In my issue, I didn't have any canceled order since the beginning (I've been careful and aware about this matter). I just received the answer from CS :

    "It is important for me to mention that we are aware of the issue of cancelations rectified by Customer Support affecting success scores. We recognize this oversight and are actively working to resolve it before the transition period concludes on March 14. We will keep you informed of any updates."

    It looks like the new system still affecting the order which cancelled by CS to the success score 😔

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