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Posts posted by pmedinua

  1. Fantastic post. It is such a great thing that you share your experience. You did it man!

    This post could easily be transformed in a Youtube video (maybe that is your next step?).

    Congrats and for the ones giving feedback that disagree with some points of the post, please take into account this is his experience, and this experience converted him into a TRS and it did work. 
    My respects for you!


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  2. On 4/24/2023 at 1:51 PM, chelsigoulart said:

    I’m a TRS and have experienced a huge and sudden slowdown recently. I’m usually so swamped with orders that I need to carefully manage my time and go out of office once a week to catch up. Things have been slowing for the last 3 weeks and now I haven’t received a single order in almost a week. It’s quite discouraging, as I just got my TRS badge and was excited for this next chapter in my Fiverr journey. My amazing returning clients have been keeping my business afloat, but that will only hold for so long.

    I am experiencing exactly the same. March was really good, my best month ever. I finished the last orders with happy customers, extraordinary and unusual high tips so I guess my service was quite good, but in April nothing. Not even messages. I dropped seller plus as it became annoying and stopped all promoted gigs as they are just wasting my budget with dark clicks. With dark click I mean those analytics you don't have any idea if they are real or a fiverr´s fiction. 

    Wish you all a good May! 

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  3. Hello guys, I am getting these messages since March. I am getting crazy. My analytics have dropped dramatically. I have filed for support but their support system is really bad. Every day a new agent asks me to explain what the problem is. I have sent videos, images and nothing. Still receiving this. I dropped my seller plus subscription because it only gave me problems. It really useless to be honest.


    I did changed everything in the gig and after saving it appears again in a couple of days.

    So annoying and disgusting. 

    • Like 15
  4. I am getting crazy with this. MY gig´s are also de ranked. I have been selling constantly for 1 year and now this messages appears on all my gigs. 

    I have filed multiple support tickets and they are unable to solve this. I dropped my seller plus account as I am not willing to pay for less than normal service. This is really affecting me and now I see I am not the only one.

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  5. I am dealing with this messages since 1 and a half months ago. Support haven't been able to solve this. I checked my gigs and everything is ok. I saved the gigs and the message disappear for 1 day and then reapear with a warning that states "Your Gig and/or the visibility of your Gig may be affected if these required modifications are not made by 27 May 2023." 

    Fiverr help is really useless. I don't mean the people of support but the system. EVeryday a new support assistant asks me what is the problem and I am really tired of this. MY analytics shows that my gigs are almost not appearing.

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  6. 48 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Sorry - you forgot to quote the person you were writing to. Who did you mean?

    I guess he deleted some images from his post. I was referring to offering things like pdf conversion, copy paste...etc. That were his gigs about. Thanks for your feedback about forgetting the quote. Have a great day

    • Like 11
  7. 22 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Sorry - you forgot to quote the person you were writing to. Who did you mean?


    14 hours ago, mustasimjawad said:

    I had joined on Fiverr last July. Still I am waiting For my first order. what should I follow to get my first order.




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  8. Great topic. I am from Chile, south america, but most of my clients are from US and Europe. I know you are just ending the summer season so I hope that is the reason I had a really bad gig's performance since August 15th.

    I have good rating, but I know that private review is key, and I also suspect that due to some delays because of the weather I mught have some not good priovate reviews. I hope it recovers soon.


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  9. Hello to everyone in this fantastic forum. I am a new user and an almost new Fiverr seller. I started in February 2022 with this "Freelancing thing".
    At first, I started with a totally different gig but now I am dedicating all my work to just 1 activity. Field video and audio recording.
    The point of this post is that some of my videos are sold with "exclusivity". That means that the client will have the only copy of it and I will delete it from my Hard drive after delivery and customer confirmation. That is my compromise.
    The problem is that some clients (and I understand) do not trust me completely and they ask for some documents. Maybe I can create a document but probably with no legal basis.
    The question is, Do you know of a good, simple, and cost-effective way to ensure exclusivity to a client?
    Thank you and thanks for all your post and threads. They have been really helpful.

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  10. Wow, so many tips about recognizing these difficult clients. In my short life on Fiverr, I´ve had a couple of them and now I always use my instinct, sensibility, or whatever is it called to decide to work or not to work with. The money is always important but if that is going to affect my humor and state of mind then it's a no-no.

    Thanks for all the great tips. They are precious gifts to all us new members.

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  11. Hi Smashradio, I completely agree with you. Making mistakes is something we humans tend to do from time to time. Of course, no one wants to repeat that but it happens. Even when making mistakes, you have to realize that it is an opportunity for you to test your honesty skills, be clear, shut your ego off, and own it. I say "opportunity" because sometimes this can have a positive influence on your customer as he/she sees you as another normal person. A couple of days ago I delivered the wrong video and my client, asked and I told him the truth. Short and simple. A couple of minutes later, it was already solved.

    Be honest, be responsible and own it. Well said Mr. Smashradio

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  12. 1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

    But surely the "healing" part of what was being offered was (or might be. Fiverr doesn't allow medical treatment or "advice on any medical condition" - but the gig was offering "virtual healing" and "virtual guided healing meditation"). There are still gigs offering to heal but they may be risky rule-wise. There used to be a "Spiritual & Healing" subcategory that got removed but there is a "Wellness" subcategory. Maybe it depends if the claimed healing is spiritual or physical (and they may disallow the physical claimed healing).

    Yea, maybe it is a bit ambiguous, but in general, I think we all understand what healing means in a spiritual ambiance.  Have a great day!

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