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Posts posted by shuvoseoexpert

  1. 22 hours ago, jonbaas said:

    Google Translate is a terrible way to learn and improve English. You're not learning anything, you're just translating words from one language to another, and that usually misses a lot of grammar and syntax. If you want to improve your English, it would be wise to take an actual English language class, or use language-learning software like Babbel.

    Again, Google Translate is not a language learning program. 

    Yes, brother you're absolutely right but In Google translate there is another option where we can listen about what we typing or what meaning we want to know. In this way, I have said that it can be helpful for learning also. I think you understand my point.


    And your another point is also right that if we take a English course it would be a great way to improve English skill. but these tips for those people who don't have enough money to take a English course. And Babbel is also good but it's also have monthly subscription. My method is totally free. 


    But your opinion is also great. Thank you so much

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  2. Are you really want to improve your English speaking & writing skill? If yes, then today I have going to share some tips and advice that I am always keep in my mind. (Note: It's just my personal opinion)


    Having a good communication skill on English can really help you to get more order and build a strong relation between you and your client's. So be careful about the English speaking & Writing skill


    Here is some tips that you can follow


    • Firstly you have to familiar with Google translate, because it's a great tools which can help you to improve your English speaking & writing skill.
    • Make a daily routine when you have just practicing English
    • Read any kind of English blog. (It might be your working skill related blog or forum)
    • If you have facing some problem when you start reading then just copy this and translate it on Google.
    • If you have some free time then try to watch Animation movie with English subtitle. (Animation is not mandatory, you can choose your own but it must have education purpose)
    • If you are doing wrong to type English then do it first then use Grammarly to make the sentence correct. 
    • Try to learn more in day by day.
    • If you are a student then please read Vocabulary at least 20 each day. (If you are not student, you're also welcome to learn this)

      that's it for today. If you have anything more then also give me tips. I love to learn from you.   
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