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About razashah309

  • Birthday 12/18/1977


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  1. Ok thank. Could you give some tips for some improvements in my gig
  2. I have published my gig months before. Made a good design. Selected trending keyword. But all in vain. Initially I received messages and make me able to snd offers gig to clients but I observed before couple of months that I am not getting any massage or able to send any offer to client. I am also getting 60, 70 impressions, some clicks. But I am not able to receive any message. Last time I received a message from a client but I could not read it. When I clicked it. The following Message from fiverr diaplayed. "______ can no longer be contacted" Why this message appear each time I receive above message? and what is happening with my account? What is the remedies if I made a mistake in building of my account? What is the process to rebuilt or rectification?
  3. Hello Guys! I am Raza a new seller from Pakistan. I have come to Fiverr as a new service seller. Please give your valuable suggestions for getting my first order. Blessings everyone!
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