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Everything posted by hlniner

  1. That's the thing, nothing changed on my end. No past orders have "gone wrong". I give lessons so sometimes an order is extended due to a client postponing a scheduled meeting but that has always been something that happens. The client always agrees and extends. Otherwise all 5-star reviews, many repeat buyers, and several times I've been a Fiverr Choice and gotten a client from that. Thanks for your comment.
  2. I have not done that yet. And in fact I wondered if the algorithms had changed to "encourage" sellers to use the promoted feature. Right now I have plenty of work so have not felt the need to promote, but really just wondered why they went flat when things were the same on my end and how that might affect me as time goes on. I may have to do promoted at some point. Thanks for your comment.
  3. I'm not an expert in any of this. Learning as I go. My understanding is that impressions are when you show up on a page someone is looking at. I assume algorithms determine that. I assume the algorithms would include #of orders, reviews, etc. I can see that changing things on your profile or packages might affect the algorithm but not sure how being active would affect it or what being active would be. I have 35 5-star reviews, and 8 orders in the queue. So I think part of what I was wondering is if the algorithms had changed or changed for me as I moved up a level. I wonder not just because they are down as they do go up and down for me, but because they were flat.
  4. I've noticed that since I became a Level 2 seller on March 14 my impressions have been flat. As you can see, prior they certainly had down times but those times were short and otherwise, they were an up-and-down thing. Now just been flat for a couple of weeks. Also, I normally was getting several inquiries a week, even if they didn't work out but I only had 3 in the last 3 weeks. Just curious if others saw a drop when they changed levels. I know in gaming level 2 would be better than level 1, but in many things, #1 is best. Although that can't be it as it's apparently worked for Fiverr sellers for all this time.🙂 Happy to hear others' thoughts.
  5. Well times available will vary week to week, so I can't put them in a description. I try to give specifics if they inquire buut it can be back and forth as maybe my times don't work but I'm willing to accommodate them. A calendar app is just simplified and takes care of all the time differences when you're working with people all over the globe. Thanks for the the thought!
  6. I offer accent lessons. Buyers are around the globe and it can be a challenge figuring out time zones, datelines etc. I'd like to use a platform like Calendly but using that would share my email and the buyer's email which is against Fiverr rules, and I do like that communication always occurs on Fiverr. That keeps the scammers etc., at bay. Anyone found a way around that? Any chance Fiverr will integrate such a calendar app for these types of gigs? Thanks! Holly
  7. I give accent modification lessons via the Zoom link sent through Fiverr. I often replay these to take note of clients errors during sessions. In the past there's always been a transcript of session on the Right side so I can quickly move through the video. However the last 3 times there's no transcript. I contacted the Help people and the answer was an unsatisfactory "It is completely up to our system, and we do not have any kind of information on when there is going to be a transcript". Has any had any problems like this? My understanding of Zoom use outside of Fiverr is that transcript is an on/off thing, so why can't it always be on? Thanks for any information you can provide.
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