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Posts posted by bringer

  1. I would like to say that though I understand. I absolutely HATE, that my close friends in Russia who OPPOSE the war and have themselves been persecuted for not supporting it are now being victimized even more.

    I am An American Citizen and Patriot who has served his country, but I am  HUMAN BEING who puts Innocent people in priority to Governments. I feel sorry for and support fully Ukraine fighting for their survival. I want an end to this violence immediately.  But, please understand that I have close friends in Russia and all over the world who are excellent people who feel the exact same way. Some who have even risked their lives attempting to depart from Russia with their families. Thousands of Russians Jailed by their own country for being opposed to the war. VICTIMIZED and having their rights stripped from them. Beaten in jails.. Some missing. And now, Fiverr will victimize my brothers yet again.There are many many soldiers who were and are still opposed to the war who are afraid of what will happen to them and their families as much as Ukrainians are. 

    And now, because of Russia's Government. An entity that the Innocent and good Russian People have NO CONTROL OVER. They are being Victimized again... by Fiverr.

    A better solution would be for Fiverr to donate funds to Ukraine to show support and at the same time BE LOYAL TO YOUR RUSSIAN CUSTOMERS who have been Loyal to Fiverr. Do you not Understand that Fiverr is not just a buy and sell marketplace anymore?

    It has actually been a platform that provides international interactions between members, that has promoted communication and friendships across countries and continents. It has provided a vessel for people from all walks of life to get to know one another.


    and now... you want to take that away?

    This is no different that Putin cutting off the Russian Citizen's access to the world... isolating good people from their friends and family abroad.

    Is this what you you stand for?

    And when this is over...

    Is this how you want to be remembered.... 

    Fiverr currently can act as an ambassador for good will and keep lines of communication open.

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