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Posts posted by tsareva

  1. Appeal to Micha Kaufman and other people from planet Earth.

    Hi, I'm an illustrator from planet Earth. I should probably apologize that I was born at a point called Russia in the English-speaking world, even though it is the Russian Federation. 

    There's a lot of different nationalities living in this land. It's a huge ethnic cauldron. Our hearts and souls are sincerely moved by this horror, we could not even imagine that we can face such a thing in the 21st century. It's heartbreaking...

    I am insanely sorry that ordinary people bear karma for the government's actions, while the government itself, deputies, oligarchs and children of oligarchs have no problem with this, and let's be honest, they are all bought. And there is more behind all of this than all of us are shown by the media.

    And it just so happens that it's the creative people, the empaths, who experience everything that happens far more intensely than you probably do. Because even though our countries have different names, we're one Slavic genome, and everything that's going on right now is a night of the soul...It's heartbreaking...

    You are drowning the artists, not the military or those who are really involved, who don't have such strong feelings and emotions about it all.

    For the last 2 weeks every day we get letters where between the lines in charming European tolerant style we are cut off our oxygen from all over the world, we are reproached that we were born in this country, blamed for the current situation and it all looks like a new wave of Nazism. Well, with your hands you are really expressing the vengeance we deserve. But maybe you and your actions are a weapon in other hands? But, I understand you, our government's actions have given the whole world a red light on this, and I can't blame you for that.

    I am not asking here, of course, to restore the work of the site with the RF, I understand, Micha Kaufman, that you yourself are in circumstances that are above you and most likely beyond your control and based on them you make these decisions.

    I pray to the universe every day for this to end, every single day.
    Give us all, God, the strength to survive this time, this night of the soul for both peoples of the countries, these terrible times, to our countries, give us the strength not to lose the love in our hearts and all the light that is in every artist from God, while the whole world discriminte us. We are all children of the Earth on this planet and we are for Light, Peace, Love and Union

    Sincerely, Olga T.



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