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Posts posted by electrohalls

  1. I am a freelance musician with a dream to work with people all over the word. I started only 4 months ago and things were going really great – lots of wonderful people reached out to me so that I create a custom song for them, some of them have even returned for more artworks to be created for them. In the light of this situation one person even asked for an anti-war song to support the Ukrainian nation. 

    I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities Fiverr has given me, and I very much want them to ask not to deprive me and other freelancers of that. I personally do not support this war, nor do I agree with the politics our government has been leading for years. However, to protest in our country you must be ready to sacrifice everything you have – your family, wealth and opportunity to work, according to new laws simply saying that you are against this horrible war may result in 15 years in jail. I cannot indulge it as I have a family to support, and we are already experiencing a crisis never seen before.

    I know that Ukrainians feel much worse than we do, I have friends there who I am talking to regularly trying to support, however they wouldn't wish for me to lose everything I have because they know how dangerous it is to say anything in my country. 

    You see, now with new sanctions the music business in Russia is virtually killed – all the major labels and streaming platforms are leaving, concert venues are closing and lots of my fellow musicians are moving from the country. I do not have the opportunity to do so simply because of the money and the family I have here, however I feel like working with my clients for many more years to provide them the best I can do in this life – the music.

    Please, don't leave me without my dream. It is the best I know and Fiverr has been my last chance to do something in this sphere. I am ready to give the percentage of my revenue to the charity organisations that help wonderful people of Ukraine if that may change your mind. When it all started and online wallets began to close in our country I was even ready (and still am) to work with no way to withdraw the payments for the orders – because, as I said, making music is the best I know and it's been the biggest dream of mine to do it regardless of my nationality or country where I live. No matter how soppy or pompous it sounds.

    With that being said, thank you, Fiverr, as you do something incredible providing so many of us with a chance to work with people from all over the world. 

    Lots of gratitude, 

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