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Everything posted by iconic_faysal

  1. Recommended image size Recommended image size is 1280 x 769 px, 72 Dots Per Inch (DPI). Minimum: 712 x 430 px Maximum 4000 x 2416 px Resizing images If you’re using a Mac, use Preview. On Windows, use Photo Gallery. Other free tools are available online. Need additional help? Reach out to our Gig image experts. Image quality Use sharp, clear, high-resolution, and eye-catching images that stand out to potential buyers. Avoid blurry, pixelated, stretched, or “squished” images. Number of images per Gig Keeping it simple is best, and for that reason, you can upload more than one image (up to three). Image usage and commercial rights Learn more, Follow the link https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481
  2. Use feedback to express opinions or emotions. Needless to say.
  3. There is no obligation to submit a video to create a gig. Visit for details. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397
  4. Buyer requests gets posted when Fiverr receive them, so you should check back frequently. Keep in mind that the buyer requests will only be available for a short while to each seller level, so you need to be ready when they come in. You'll only see requests related to the categories you have gigs in, so creating more gigs across different categories where you have something to offer, can help you receive more requests.
  5. Yes of course, why not! https://affiliates.fiverr.com/commission-plan/
  6. Welcome! Yes bro of course. Because now is the era of competition, it is not allowed to float towards the stream. You have to outdo yourself with other competitors.
  7. Yes you certainly can! But you can create different gigs for different jobs in the same department from one account. That's better.
  8. Know about Gig Video Rules- https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451657 (Dont's:)
  9. Stop talking nonsense Increasing gig impressions isn't just about being active. Your creativity, Gigs depend on clicks, order fulfillment and more.
  10. Links are not allowed in this section. Links are allowed at Improve My Gig
  11. Optimize Your Gig Title. Optimize Your Gig Description. Get Positive Reviews. Choose The Right Category. Optimize Your Search Tags. Use High-Quality Images. Promote Your Gig. Respond Promptly To Messages. Share your gig in social media
  12. Try to follow this Attractive Gig image handy keywords Relevant Tags Research before placing gig Try to add video Try to add your photo on gig image Write short but relevant title SEO the Title Relevant packages Appropriate pricings Easy for buyers FAQs share on social media
  13. How to get your first order on Fiverr? Select your niche. There are thousands of gigs on every broad category of Fiverr. ... Play to Your Strengths. Skill Up. Identify Your Target Audience. Show, Don't Tell. Create Minimum 5 Gigs.
  14. Contact Fiverr Customer support. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies?segment=seller At the bottom you will find the contact support button. Thanks!
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