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Posts posted by mdshafiurrahman

  1. On 9/20/2023 at 3:03 PM, web_sadiaema said:

    I recently joined Fiverr as a web developer and submitted my first gig. However, it was not approved, and I'm uncertain about the reasons. As a new seller, I'm eager to align with Fiverr's standards and offer my services.

    Could someone from your team please review my gig and provide feedback on why it was not approved? I'm committed to making necessary changes. Additionally, I'd appreciate an estimate of the time required for resolution.

    Thank you for your assistance in this important stage of my Fiverr journey.

    Best Regards 


    I want to help you

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  2. 4 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @mdshafiurrahman - the only way you can get a review is if someone places an order with you. Once you deliver the order, the buyer will have the opportunity to leave a review for you.

    Please note that buyers do not have to leave a review, and it's best not to ask for one. Asking for positive reviews is against Fiverr ToS. Asking for "honest" reviews are okay, but may annoy the buyer since Fiverr's automated systems asks them repeatedly to leave their review.

    Could you help me? 

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