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Posts posted by szybkaiokienko

  1. 7 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    You'd be surprised. Unless you're in a low value vertical (in which case, what's the point? Do something else), there's buyers for every price point. There are people who won't buy from someone too cheap. Those are the clients you want.

    I'm all conscious. I have the same idea of business on a different platform but here it seems to be a completely different client.

    That is the target to gradually go up with prices  🙂 . Also gradually switching to other canals. I can't though make prices higher while Fiverr is almost not showing me because of a 4 rating on this particular gig (it is why I cant make my prices higher just now because I have a low coverage on this particular gig and the higher price will make less people interested - in such situation, it is not an advantage - I need to get this rating higher firstly so more "right buyers" will see it. 

    And the silver lining is - thanks to Fiverr I have coverage on quite a fine amount of bigger projects. So I'm underpaid in one place (still quite fine with my work tempo) and then I take a bigger project (higher price, not the work mostly) that gives me 90% of monthly profit (on Fiverr).

    Advantages and disadvantages as everywhere. I'm not pro-low prices, quite opposite. I just try to get as much coverage as I can at the moment. I'm planning to have as high prices as I can afford. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    Stop doing that, that's part of the problem. Not only you're being underpaid, you're actively devaluing your entire vertical. 

    Yes, that really good piece of advice but my category has still all lower prices on Fiverr. I thought that If I gradually bring my prices up the others would stop going for such a price competition and will bring their prices also but for most it is not the case and I still have prices 3 times higher than the rest. You know that I cant deliver in much higher prices than people on Fiverr because no one will choose me on Fiver. 

    I already sell in different places at the right prices. I'm trying to bring prices gradually up in my category but if others can't follow I'm doomed to leave Fiverr. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, dereck_s said:

    I think it's always affected it, objectively you didn't deliver on time. I hate it as well but understand why it would affect the score.

    Most of the times time extensions are made because the buyer allowed it because you had eg 1-day time delivery and buyer said "oh I have more time, let it be more time" or the buyer wanted something else, or the buyer wanted extensive revision that is placed after the delivery time (which is sick because buyers wait 3 days and when it is long after your delivery time - they ask for revisions and it is like you were late. Thats sick. It is so oppressive towards seller. 

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  4. Also, I have one buyer who paid for a couple of orders on one or different gigs and then didn't come back with requirements even if I was sending kind reminders. These orders wait in "didint start". Most probably such a buyer won't be back ever as months passed (earlier he was coming quite often). It is quite a high sum but maybe the buyer fell sick or something. One day it will come to a cancelation and these couple of orders will harm me even if it is only because the buyer fell sick or didn't need it anymore or died or anything else. What is the logic in that? These order cancellations will doom all my accounts as buyer placed a lot of orders and never came back. 

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  5. And here I am:

    + having no cancellations on a gig within 9... almost 10 MONTHS,

    +gig has 2 cancellations in sum, to this moment and it was:
          - Because buyer bought my gig and then said that I should pause her order because she doesn't know if              she  needs it at all from the start and then proceeded with cancellation because she actually didn't need             it from the start
          - and previous one was because the buyer agreed when I said that he only should order if he can wait                  till 12 hours more than delivery deadline on this( I was knowing it will affect me badly as "LATE" but also          wanted to help a  client that really wanting to have a deadline set to the closest day so he would feel                   safer, also he agreed to extend my delivery time if a final delivery will be in 36 hours) , he said "yes, that would be ok" and then got furious even if I done all like he agreed to before ordering so it went to cancellation even if a lot of time still was left to agreed ( I wont ever again go for such a weird buyer).

    + people are super happy leaving gloving feedback, contacting me afterward to tell me how thankful they are and how I am cheap for the quality I offer them

    + my offer on this gig is 30 $ while for the same service artist market calls for 100-300$, I have one buyer that for sure later resells my art for 250$ (ame by accident to this realization, seeing my work somewhere else and was backed with a price it was sold)

    + and still one of such reselling buyers ticked recently that "value for money is negative" in my case. I'm furious. Either she would want it done for 0$ so she can resell it for 250$ later or she actually she thinks MY WORK IS WORTH MUCH MORE (because she resells it for much more). 

    + people are coming back from this gig either for this gig or for other gigs as they are so happy with prices and quality (I'm more pricey than the others in my area -  many of my buyers contact me telling me how I should go for much higher prices (and I'm doing a high-quality work demanding a lot of time).


    If a buyer comes back, is happy with the work, thanks you, gives 5-star rating, still wants to come back, and will come back but still gives you VALUE FOR MONEY negative there is something really wrong. Because if my work is really low value for money she should go back somewhere else instead of coming back, somewhere for better work with lower price (which is not possible on the market, I'm actually ripping cheap for quality) 

    Just to let other buyers how it works for me:

    while thinking of it for couple years and switching slowly to the other platforms and my own site/Instagram canals  -in the last couple days when I saw how it looks on Fiverr now I made not only a hard decision to switch the platform and build my new canal outside of platforms - I made the strongest moves to this time. I have another canal already but treated it as a second child even if it gave me already more than 2 times an hour rate (orders come slowly but prices are much higher). Already have a lot of work done these last days to make that canal promoted better and spent big budget to get new canals much quicker (weeks instead of months ) than I could by myself. If Fiverr adjusts the system so it won't be so stupid and infringing I will have a fine backup, fine "checkpoint" for what Fiverr offers and if it is still worth it but if not I'm just fleeing from here as it is much more stress, much more misunderstanding of principles than it is worth. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, miiila said:

    Did you try reasoning with them that you need to schedule your time and need to reserve time for that order that maybe never *really* will happen, because the customer, without any explanation, isn't providing the requirements, instead of being able to accept an order from a Fiverr customer who *actually* is keen on ordering and providing requirements?

    I can see how it doesn't bother Fiverr too much if people don't provide requirements, as by that point, *Fiverr* has already been paid, but it should be really easy to see that sellers can't reserve time for an indefinite potential amount of time for an indefinite potential number of ... hesitant customers ... 

    What happened to the "sellers can cancel orders that no requirements got sent for, without penalty after (don't remember the exact time, 7 days or something?)" policy? 🤔

    It looks a little like Fiverr feels the ground burning around and tries to put the fire down by pouring more gasoline on the ground. It is just sad to observe. 

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  7. It seemsto me  that Fiverr doesn't like idea of sustainability. It deeply troubles me to observe that Fiverr appears to intentionally disadvantage honest buyers, and honest sellers resulting in their financial losses while the reason to cancellation may be various and sometimes really beneficial to both sides while a bad rating would be also highly oppressive to seller in such case. Sellers on this platform from now will be unwilling to request or accept cancellations, even if they have put in considerable effort as they deserve to be compensated for their hard work while both outputs - with cancellation or not will put them in danger of bad rating. The law clearly states that work should be paid for, regardless of whether the buyer personally approves of it or not so buyers will take this fully to their heart making in further perspective Fiverr loos buyers and sellers. I don't think that Fiverr is now the most competitive platform in area and I don't think fighting this way will help any side - nor sellers, nor buyers, nor platform.  This principle holds particularly true in the realm of art. While there have been cancellations in certain specific cases, such as when sellers deliverfull quality work and buyer just don't like it (cancellation with bad review threat, while full delivery and quality was delivered in such case, means enslaving a seller it is not how reliable platform should work and - it works like that now)  subpar quality or encounter scammers, it is unjust that people who don't bear any costs (after cancellation) still can be toxic towards the seller. This allows unscrupulous individuals to exploit the system and essentially receive a full job for free and still leaving bad rating. Inevitably, obvious scammers will answer additionally while buyer won't cancel ( because now there is no interest)  with with anger and leave negative reviews when sellers refuse to be oppressed twice by losing their time, resources, reputation, and cancellation rating. It is only a silver lining that this might lead to fewer scammers on the platform - just maybe because I encounter a lot lot of cscammer approaches and Fiverr doesn't filter them right way. However, I fear that Fiverr may take further actions that inadvertently encourage fraudulent behavior.

    Due to these distressing circumstances, I have seriously contemplated breaking ties with Fiverr once and for all. The mechanisms in place here are toxic, even for the most successful sellers. I have already begun establishing a presence on other platforms that seem to offer a less oppressive environment. In fact, I am in the process of developing new brand on my own website and leveraging social media, which have already proven to be more lucrative ventures. Time will tell how things unfold, but the opportunities elsewhere are gradually increasing, possibly because the competition is not as fierce and promotional efforts yield much better (like hundreds of times better) results in a matter of cost per order profit. Also there is no such a high service fees. I feel shame while my buyers asks me why Fiverr takes service fee from them and I have to tell them I can't even help them because Fiverr takes huge chunk also from me.  Regrettably, I am beginning to sense that Fiverr is no longer a viable place for me to thrive and flourish.

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