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Posts posted by aggie_n

  1. 7 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I love your portfolio that you have up @aggie_n! Those are great images. What category did you decide to go on for those?

    You might want to reach out to Customer Service on the Photography category. It looks like they haven't updated that category in all of their features yet.

    Hmm ...I'm not sure if it would mess with the algorithm if you did that. I mostly do writing but my portfolio is only design-related. I haven't shown any of my writing samples in my portfolio yet. This doesn't seem to affect my visibility with buyers on the writing side.

    Have you seen any changes in inquiries and orders on your side?

    Thank you! I appreciate it 🙂

    I placed it in the "Other" subcategory for now and I will reach out to CS. I have in fact seen a huge drop in inquiries right around the time Fiverr created the Photography category - first of all, they did not even inform me that they created such a category (well, they did say hey now your gig was moved to the new photography category, but they did not say I would have had to update all keywords and features again), so for a couple of weeks, my gig's keywords and subcategories were irrelevant... I must have lost a lot of opportunities that way. I've updated it, but the engagement drop is still the same. My gig went from 23k impressions to 13k over a couple of weeks. I'm not sure if the category of my gig affected this or if it was something else. 

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  2. Hi! I've noticed Fiverr made some changes recently and they finally created a separate category fo Photography (before that, my gig had to belong to video and animation's subcategory "photography", or maybe it was graphics and design's subcategory, doesn't matter). Now, on your profile there is a section called "My Portfolio" where you can upload Projects. Each project needs to be placed in the correct category. I cannot find any photography category or subcategory... Does anybody know where it is or in what category to place a product photography project? I feel like placing it in "Other" subcategory will somehow mess with the algorithm. 


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  3. This post is both hilarious and true! Love your sense of humor and I agree with all of your points. It's funny how often buyers must think that sellers are in fact mind readers, as I get plenty of messages that literally just say "Hi!" or a brief "Hi! I need...", to which I reply (almost immediately) with some follow up questions, and then hear nothing back lol. I guess I have failed the mind reading test a lot. 

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  4. I uploaded a video to my gig and it automatically became the main thumbnail that shows up in the search.

    For some reason, it just shows a black frame instead of the first frame of the video that has picture in it. However, when I go to my Profile, I can still see my gig with the cover photo that I originally picked before uploading the video. 

    In my gig's settings, I can still see that my previous photo is selected as the "primary", yet the video is what everyone sees when searching for services.Does anyone know how to change it so that it doesn't show just black?


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  5. 44 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    I could be be wrong but I think it's more likely that the main Fiverr site that will give problems with tabs loading too fast/too many page views, though the community URL is community.fiverr.com, I think it's probably rare to get issues like that on the forum. Wasn't the "increased activity" and IP address restriction because of what you did on the main site (eg. probably loading things too fast/too many times in too short time span - or your browser doing that if it had many Fiverr tabs open on the main site when restarting)? On the forum I've had it think I'm a bot when I edited posts too fast after posting them though.

    Yeah I usually load things fast and open a lot of gig pages when browsing, then editing my gig at the same time, refreshing buyer's requests, etc. I'm just gonna slow down a bit for now lol. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    Don't load/reload Fiverr pages quite so often or (maybe more likely) don't load them so soon after previously loading a Fiverr page. I've also had it give a captcha or something after restarting a browser that had a lot of Fiverr tabs loaded (since it can then load the Fiverr pages very fast after each other).

    It might something to do with the number of Fiverr page loads within a certain time (eg. an hour) but can give a message if you load eg. 10 tabs and take less than a second to load each new tab. Maybe refreshing a search/subcategory page within a few seconds without changing anything might have done that.

    But if multiple people were sharing the same IP address it might not be something you had done. There are ways to be given a new IP address though (so maybe really Fiverr should check more than the IP address). But really you shouldn't be punished for doing things too fast (or just loading a browser with many tabs open). Fiverr might think it's a bot/autorefresher but they shouldn't punish normal users just for working fast/doing normal things (maybe they need a better detection algorithm).

    Thank you! I do have multiple Fiverr tabs open with different forum topics and gigs, so refreshing them and restarting my browser may look like too much activity to them. That's a bummer. 

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  7. I've been getting "locked out" of Fiverr in the past few days with this message on the screen. It also says that they will take a look and re-enable the access in one hour. 

    Does anybody know why this happens, whether it affects my gig's ranking, and how to avoid it?

    I am very active on Fiverr throughout the day, but I didn't think this was somehow frowned upon or against the rules. What can I do?


    • Like 13
  8. These are great points. Thank you for advocating for people who show up on the 5th page of the search, but can provide quality work. I know that it is scary to invest your money with a new seller, so I always recommend checking out their website and talking to them just to get the feeling of their knowledge and work ethic. This should usually weed out the "fake experts". 

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  9. I see what you mean and I agree that upping your estimate in the messages for "exactly the same requirements" as stated in the bundle is wrong.

    I would just clarify that Fiverr's character limits greatly impact how much details I can put in the description of each bundle or the gig itself. That being said, at least in my profession, each project can vary greatly and can be customized a lot. On top of that, there is shipping of goods involved (from the buyer - I'm a product photographer), so that needs to be discussed first.

    I always try to give an estimate based on my normal fees that I had used to create the bundles in the first place. In my initial conversation with a buyer, I usually try my best to recommend one of the bundles that would suit their needs best, and only if needed, I suggest additional fees for any customizations (which btw are also already included as add-ons to each bundle, so they can see that price beforehand). 

    I would say that contacting the seller first is very much necessary, but it also depends on the field you're in. The more complex project, the better it is to discuss it first. 

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