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Posts posted by techrservices

  1. 8 minutes ago, mark_sgp said:

    Are these really legitimate buyers -- or just scam artists hoping you'd fall for their "sweet talk"? I routinely get dozens of messages from "buyers" wanting various services (usually generic messages including some services I don't even offer). They always want contact off the Fiverr platform (usually Telegram) -- promise the moon and other nonsense. Fortunately, most of the time, their accounts have been blocked so that I can't even answer them (which is great). The few times where I directed them to engage me through my Fiverr gig, absolutely none responded. That just screams "SCAM" in my ear, loud and clear.

    If you are getting messages from seemingly legitimate sources, that are discussing real projects, real scope and expectations, yet backing out without explanation -- there may be something about the gig terms that they don't like. Again, this may also be a more "experienced" scammer seeing how far they can get.

    Even Buyer select buyers do this pathetic act the most. They didn't asked to contact outside fiverr, just message me once and then went dead. It frustrates me and eats my attention and time.


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  2. Hey everyone,

    I've been noticing something lately and I'm curious if others have experienced the same. I've had a few buyers reach out to me for my services, we have a great initial conversation, and then... silence. Even when they've read my message.

    It's got me scratching my head a bit. I totally get that life gets busy and priorities shift, but I'm left wondering if there's something I'm missing or if this is just par for the course.

    Has anyone else encountered this? If so, how do you handle it? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

    Looking forward to the discussion!

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  3. Hello, I have conducted extensive research to optimize the buyer experience and SEO of my listings, but I'm still not receiving orders. Although I have a good number of impressions and clicks on my listings, no one is placing orders. Is this due to my new status or lack of reviews compared to others?


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  4. 7 hours ago, techrservices said:

    Hi everyone,

    I am new seller on fiverr. I am working a lot in researching so that my customers get the best delivery. 

    But despite I am not getting orders. Can you tell me why, your review will help me a lot.


    Thank you,


    I read all of these documents. can you audit my gig pages to suggest me what better I could do?

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  5. On 9/12/2023 at 4:52 PM, uk1000 said:

    In gig "I will do ai content editing and fact checking in 1 day"

    in the main gig image it says "Grammer Checking" - that could be changed.

    In gig "I will fix any error you want in any any game or app"
    your main gig image says "Fix any wired error in any PC Game"
    and in the gig description it says "I will fix any wired problem or error in any pc game...". and similar in the package description. Is "wired" the right word there?

    Thank you very much for correcting my mistakes and suggesting me the correct practices

    • Like 7
  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm a freelance writer and my sales have been going down for the past 3 months. I used to make a decent amount of money, but now I'm barely making enough to cover my expenses. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I've tried everything I can think of to improve my sales, but nothing seems to be working. I've updated my portfolio, I've lowered my rates, and I've even started cold-emailing potential clients. But still, no one seems to be interested in my work.

    I'm starting to get really discouraged. I don't know what else to do.

    Can anyone offer me some advice? Why do you think my sales have gone down? What can I do to improve them?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    • Like 11
  7. Hi,

    I have forgot my security question. I wanted to change my phone number and then I was asked to enter the answer of the security question, I realized that I have forgot the answer. I immediately contacted CS and described them the issue but they are again and again asking me to memorize the answer if I want to recover it. I provided all guessed answers but they said that they are invalid.


    What is this? I wanted to recover the security ques but they are asking me to provide the same.

    Gmail - Fiverr Customer Support - Re_ 8402532.pdf

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