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Posts posted by briannx

  1. 2 hours ago, cs_evans said:

    This is such an important point few seem to grasp.  I don't know if it is because people don't have real-world business experience, or don't bother to think about how their business platform works.  I have no knowledge of Fiverr's formulas, beyond what we all know, but it isn't that hard to do the decision tree for who they want to promote.  Imagine two sellers selling the same service for $100

    Seller 1 (poor marketing):  10,000 impressions per day, 10 clicks per day, .01 sales per day = $1 in sales per day = $0.20 per day revenue for Fiverr

    Seller 2(quality marketing): 1,000 impressions per day, 75 clicks per day, 1.2 sales per day = $120 in sales per day = $24 per day revenue for Fiverr

    If I'm running the business, I go with seller 2 all day long.  There is a reason Fiverr posts your stats; it gives you extremely valuable information on what you may need to tweek. 

    That's very correct. And apart from that, it's not just about marketing but it's also about having their gigs captivating enough to actually turn visitors into buyers. Most people don't realize that Fiverr is primarily a business and so they focus more on impressions and "ranking" than actually providing the service they are called to provide. Good points from you.

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  2. It's usually very nerve-racking when you want to gain visibility in the marketplace but you don't seem to get any. In your desperation, you decide to promote your gigs in any way or every way possible. Many sellers go the extra mile in promoting their gigs the wrong way. While Fiverr encourages sellers to share and promote their gigs, it should be done so carefully and in accordance with their guidelines, either by using their promoted gigs option or sharing through legitimate sites.

    This is why you should be careful how you promote your gigs

    Some sellers especially the newbies often go on Instagram, Telegram, Facebook groups, or other social sites to do gig favorite exchanges or all the likes. The problem with this is that every time someone clicks on your link and lands on your profile, the Fiverr algorithm calculates that as "One Click". This means you will mostly be getting clicks from low-quality traffic which don't convert into sales.

    As a result of this, your total conversion rate (Visitors you convert into buyers) will be extremely low which in turn will significantly harm your profile instead of helping it. Getting high numbers of impressions or clicks are useless if they don't convert into sales. This doesn't mean you can't promote or shouldn't promote your gigs. it only means do it the right way or allow Fiverr to do it organically. There are no hacks to this thing.

    Secondly, gig favorites don't help your gig boost in terms of visibility. Gig favorites are simply bookmarks that help you SAVE the services you want to buy. But it doesn't help you boost your gig's visibility. 

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  3. I think the main reason why fiverr is careful about allowing users to change their user names is to prevent abuse. In what sense?

    I'm the sense that if a seller has been providing bad services, they can simply rebrand themselves as someone else and still offer the same poor services. So I guess I understand fiver in this regards. 

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  4. Hi Everyone,

    I have been a secret lover of Fiverr for some time now and so I thought it wise to make a post to encourage or perhaps share some Tips with everyone especially the Newbies. The intention of this post is to help settle down some common misconceptions a lot of people have about Fiverr. I hope New sellers including some level sellers will go through the pains to read and perhaps learn a few things from this.

    Number 1: Read And Know About The Platform

    I notice that a lot of sellers work on Fiverr but actually don't know a thing about the platform. It is always a good practice to have a bit of knowledge about the industry you are going to work in. With Fiverr, this means reading its terms and conditions, community guidelines, etc. When you take the time to read about it, you will find it easier to last much longer on the platform. As you can see I'm a new seller but I never signed up without reading through the vision and mission of the platform is.

    Number 2: Don't Play Dodgy

    Over time, you will get to know that integrity does pay. This means being honest at all times. This could also mean not trying to manipulate the system, buyers, or anything. If you work honestly, you will have little to worry about.

    Number 3: Get Rid Of The “Ranking” Mentality

    Let this sink into everyone's head including mine. There is no such thing as “Ranking”. Maybe it did exist, but it doesn’t anymore. There is only performance metrics but no ranking. Anyone who claims to do this or do that to rank in 24 hours is simply just deceiving you. You must understand that Fiverr is a business and so they want to make sure only the best performers represent their company. If you don't reply to messages on time, or don't deliver on time and your stats get messed up, you shouldn't expect to “Rank” as someone who is working hard. It’s common sense.

    4: Do More Work To Get Ahead

    Like I said, Fiverr is a business and they too have expenses. This means they need money. When you work on the platform, don't focus just on making money. Focus on supporting the platform. Give your clients the best. This makes them happy and comes back. If you want to get noticed, do your job and deliver more orders. This way, you will get pushed to the front.

    5: It takes time

    Many new freelancers join the platform and immediately think they will start getting orders straight away. No ! it could take weeks and even months for you to get your first message and it could even take months for you to get your first order. If you don’t get orders within the first few weeks or months, try advertising yourself on other platforms or social media.

    6: Avoid Over Editing Your Gigs

    The best practice is, always gather all of your information and materials and edit at once as well as publish at once. The more you edit, the more you pull out your gigs from search results. Leave the algorithm to gather more data about you rather than provoking your gigs all the time.

    7: Only The Tough Succeed

    Fiverr is a race. In fact, it’s a marathon. This means many people start off being very enthusiastic but they give up along the way. This is why Fiverr has a system that gets to calculates the performance of each seller. It is only those who exercise patience and persistence that end up succeeding on the platform. If you join the platform and don’t get any orders, you become sad and leave the platform, the person who has been patient will definitely take your place. This means you have just helped another person move up the ladder. Only those who are patient make it on Fiverr.

    8: Some Times Will Be Quiet

    If orders slow down, don’t worry. This is normal and it's called seasonality. You won't always get orders back to back as others do. Just be patient and don’t be tempted to touch your gig.

    9: Don’ be jealous of other sellers.

    It is normal to feel pressured and jealous when you find your rival with 20 orders in the queue and you feel left out. Everyone has humble beginnings. They too were once like you. Simply learn from them to understand what makes them special and learn from them. You shouldn’t be competing with others. You should be focusing on working harder.

    10: Average selling price

    Though this isn’t stated anywhere by Fiverr, the price of your gig can make a very huge difference. As I always say, Fiverr is a business and so they want more profit. A person with a higher order value will gain a better spot much more than a person with a $5 gig. Let us give a simple illustration. If seller A sells a logo for $50 and seller B sells a logo for $5, it will take seller B to sell 10X logos in order to bring in the same amount of revenue that seller A will bring in with just 1 sale. This means if Fiverr puts a lot of sellers with $5 gig on the first page, they will take a very long time to bring in the money that higher sellers would have brought in for the same spot.

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