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Posts posted by m_benzir

  1. If you've made reasonable efforts to resolve the issue with the client and they still haven't provided the necessary information, you can contact Fiverr's customer support to explain the situation and provide any evidence you have, such as screenshots of your communication. They can help mediate the dispute and ensure it doesn't negatively impact your profile if you've acted professionally and attempted to resolve the issue.

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  2. The introduction of AI is neither inherently good nor bad. It can enhance productivity and efficiency in various industries, including web development and digital marketing. While AI can automate certain tasks, it is unlikely to completely replace the need for human creativity, expertise, and personalization in these fields. Freelancers can adapt and work alongside AI to offer unique solutions and value to clients. So, AI is a tool that can complement, not necessarily replace, the work of freelancers in these domains.

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