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Posts posted by sheswagg

  1. Sometimes I wonder if these buyers are even legit buyers! I had a new buyer who loved my first order and gave me a tip (which fiverr took) anyways. He left a good review and gave me 4.3 stars. (Hater) then announced that he would be placing another order tonight with me, almost like it was a setup for him to publicly shut me down . I finished the next order, which was singing 3 words. I communicated because the sample wasn’t clear at all. I responded with the details, and did it exactly the way he wanted…then he posted a negative review😳 stating “ Don’t feel like she put her heart into this one. Wont use this track. Will use my own scratch track, (which i like better instead) it’s cool though. Would still like to try a couple more tracks. Hopefully come up with stuff more like the first track she sang for me a couple days ago”.

     Then to to it off, he gave me 3 stars for services as described. Would recommend, And communication🥺

    On 5/11/2020 at 7:57 PM, maryam_faiza said:

    Hi , dear I have same the issue the buyer was really happy and even he gave me tip for the work but he left 4.3 review will that will effect?


     This feels like an angry ex who found me on Fiverr and is trying to ruin my experience 😡

     wishing  i could delete this negativity!

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