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Posts posted by arbelkimmick

  1. Thank you! I offer UGC and my base is $125. I would think that as long as I don't have to raise my rates from that, then I should be ok. 

    I guess it doesn't hurt to apply since if I get rejected nothing changes right? 

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  2. Hi everyone! I've been a Fiverr Seller for almost a decade and was recently promoted to TRS (after years being stuck at level 2) Super exciting! 

    I just got an invitation to apply for Fiverr Pro in my category. 

    I've only had conversations with 2 other pro members and both express to me that sales slow down pretty drastically when you become pro but the clients are better quality. 

    I'm wondering if I should just stick with my happy TRS rating or apply for pro? 

    Any insight into your experience in terms of business, messages and clients is greatly appreciated! 

    Thank you! 


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  3. I saw her video too and although I think it's for a lot of the reasons you mentioned a MAJOR factor that she lightly touches on is the fact that AI has replaced so many writers and even voiceover artists like myself. AI is now coming for UGC creators (my main source of income as of the last 2 years) and it's important to offer features that AI cannot. Not easily done in every category. 

    Just like many YouTube influencers quit YouTube, people will want change and move on. I personally don't see myself leaving Fiverr anytime soon and will continue to ride the waves that is freelancing ❤️ 

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  4. I've just been promoted as Top Rated Seller, something that I've been wishing for and working towards for years (8 year fiverr seller here) and literally nothing's changed. I got a big order after the promotion, but otherwise, crickets. It's the first time in 8 years that I'm kinda getting worried. I teach Fiverr on social media and encourage sellers to join with the information about the success score and so many of them are worried they won't even be successful because the odds are stacked against them before they even create their first gig. 

    Although, I have to say that I'm getting better quality clients coming through, but far less. 

    I wonder what's going to happen, but I know for me, I'm not leaving the platform and have no plans on quitting after all these years. I think it'll just take even more time for buyers to now navigate this new marketplace that the score has created and sellers are going to be pickier than ever before - it's going to be interesting for sure. 

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