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Posts posted by rabiamegha9664

  1. I get regular order and 5 star rating too. But suddenly notification comes Gigs is Not promotable (Unqualified). Which is very sad. This problem happens to me again and again. Now I can't get any orders anymore. How can I get relief from this? If anyone knows the solution please tell me.

    I have already contacted fiver support team several times. But they did not give any reason. So I don't understand why it keeps happening to me.



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  2. 3 hours ago, arslannone said:

    Hi, I am a level 2 seller with more than 500 orders completed successfully, I used to recieve 5+ orders and many buyers messages daily, I have 400+ positive 5 star reviews.

    But from past two months, my gig is not visiable, impressions are down to 40. It used to be 30k. What should I do? I have not done anything that can harm my ranking. Its so bad, you provide quality work, but Fiverr's algo can derank you whenever it wants for unkown reasons. Please advice!

     My also same problem 

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