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Posts posted by malikashlykova

  1. 8 hours ago, yondeeart said:

    My Success score has been stuck at 4 since the new level system came in >< all my stats are 100% and I get 5 stars from almost all ratings... But it hasn't changed in any way for 1-2 months and my account has been constantly dropping for the last 2 weeks. I really don't know what to do, I would appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you.


    I have exactly the same statistics. Ever since they announced the SS system, my score has remained stuck at 4. Before this change, I felt like I was in favor of Fiverr gods because I had an early payout option, even without Seller Plus, and an available cash advance option. I also had a pretty stable order flow without any promotion. Now, the situation is completely opposite. My gig seems dead, and I can't even use promotions to attract new buyers. I doubt CS or anybody else will help with anything. I am just hoping for a miracle at this point.

    However, I'm tired of relying solely on Fiverr and being in constant fear of their unpredictable changes and completely untransparent, shady activities. I'm going to invest more time in creating my own online presence(website, portfolio, socials) to have something solid than counting on Fiverr roulette. 

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  2. According to this message from Fiverr staff -- "Hi! I would like to clarify a statement I made earlier concerning delivery extensions and revision requests. Engaging with these tools will not result in a direct negative impact on your score in itself. Instead, the success score considers several different metrics that contribute to the overall buyer experience. This includes how long it takes you to deliver the final product and how that compares to other sellers in your niche."

    If I understand correctly now it's bad to set longer delivery times as it will affect my metrics. Even if the buyer doesn't mind waiting longer to receive the order from me?

    This is very confusing. My gig requires a lot of time to deliver and usually, it's 5 to 7 days for one order. I often have a few active orders and after each new order, I extend my delivery time by +7 days to the previous delivery time and vice versa after I deliver the order I decrease delivery time. Sometimes my delivery time reaches 30-45 days and buyers don't mind waiting at all.  Fiverr always mentions setting delivery times so you as a buyer always deliver on time. But now I should compete with the other sellers in delivery time?

    Many other sellers have much simpler gigs compared to mine, many are working with ready-made templates and in large studios. I assume they have many employees because I often see seller profiles with 5-8 orders in the queue and 5 days delivery time, I can't imagine how they make everything on time other than having a bunch of people working on the gig. there is no way I can compete with them in delivery time. In my case, I offer completely custom work tailored to each buyer that requires a lot of research and design work, only the research part takes me several days and I do it all by myself and can't count on someone else because it will cause a quality issue. All my buyers are always happy with my work and delivery time was never an issue. Only large studious who make simple projects in large quantities will benefit from this. I really hope I misunderstood this statement "This includes how long it takes you to deliver the final product and how that compares to other sellers in your niche".  Any info regarding this issue will be greatly appreciated, ideally from the Fiverr staff. Thanks!


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