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Posts posted by nadinpen

  1. I'm super frustrated with the way Fiverr drops out their updates without any info before it and we are figuring it out only when something went wrong. 

    Apparently, Fiver changed the way Inbox Response Time is calculated - previously it was only a first-time message from the new buyer but currently, they are changing it to
    "Response time tracks all responses, not just the first message from the buyer." You can read more about it here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011451678-Everything-you-need-to-know-about-response-time-rate 

    And the only way I figured it out was by accident from one of my blog followers.  

    My question is why the communication between sellers and platforms is so pure? Couldn't Fiverr create like weekly digest where they will write down all the news coming to Fiverr, especially a list a few days before it dropped, or just in general what was changed? I am a seller left with constant fear of missing something, skipping some deadlines or some answers to messages to not get a bad review and Fiverr could at least send like digest email to make my life easier as they do with different sorts of promotions.

    What do you think about this change and the way Fiverr communicates about their updates and new features?

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  2. This is frustrating as I have faced many situations with different clients when they are just unpredictable with their behavior even if all the work is made in a timeless manner and due to their requirements they didn't ask for any revisions but just straight forward want to cancel an order just because "they don't like it". So now this gives a buyer even more power to just ruin the seller's profile without even receiving money for the seller's time and work. 

    This should be reversed as it put the seller even in a more stressful position as we are at the moment when rating is everything and manipulating it become even easier.

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