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Posts posted by evan_iae

  1. Hey, 
    It has been 5 days since i published my gig, and it was getting good impressions on the first 2-3 days. and now it suddenly dropped. Is this normal in fiverr? 


    Points to be noted, today is friday. I think people are gonna be out of office today, so there won't be much traffic on fiverr. My other two gigs are also down. 

    also guys, can you review and improve my gig? I'm really new on this platform and the analytics are not that clear to understand. A little help will be much appreciated. Here's a link to my gig:

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  2. On 9/3/2023 at 11:43 AM, newsmike said:

    Have you considered some analysis as to why quality buyers are avoiding you and scammers are pinging you?  Quality of services?  Are you making the mistake of selling at 5-$10? 

    I was man. I got into the classic mistake of offering the service at the lowest price possible. At that time it felt like woah 5 dollars for a social media graphics, it's cool for me. Didn't realize that cheap prices means cheap buyers. The scammers were easy to detect, but those real low budget buyers, they were pure nightmare.

    Left fiverr for a year and so, improved my skills so i can actually feel confident about charging more and made a fresh gig just today. Wish me luck. 

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  3. yes there are. They will text you and offer you a work, but will tell you to pay an upfront fee for the work. Fiverr does a great job at filtering those messages out and label them as spam, but its not 100% accurate. 
    I personally suffered from this, Fiverr gets mad at you if you cant convert your messages into customers. I think it is a potential ranking factor for your gig. Fake buyers will never place an order, and Fiverr will think its your fault that you were unable to convert. It is kinda infuriating if you ask me. 

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