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  1. i understand but in this case i dont know about that when ever i first make my gig i used them but after that i dont look on that even i have better portfolio with in the years but it take too strict on that, by the way thankyou all, i have no skill like a child i have professional skill with 700 + satisfied clients but for this terms and condition i missed that part and they didnt remind me for take that action.
  2. thanks for your kind words, any one have their opinion to resolve someone issues by the way thankyou
  3. then this thing will be notify through any mail or notfication for not closed any life circle who served many years on this platform
  4. i used free commercial images not a scam and provide services for fiverr for many satisfied customer with custom work in this case they tell me with some notification as iam on fiverr with many years with satisied reviews
  5. My account was reviewed and they mail me your account was flagged using non-original or copyrighted work examples my profile is level two and its near to complete top rated requirement 😞 i have a team and now i frustrated what should i do, in my opinion i used images in the gig thumbnails from freepik but without any notification or mail my all gig denied, my all life, house circle fulfill from this, please give me the suggestion what should i do now, and when i mail they tell me we take decision in 90 days:(
  6. sometime gig de ranks and promotion de active, either we have good complete ratio and no too much cancellation, is something fiverr algorithm or whats proper issue?
  7. if i increase my gig price which is running already but when i created i put too much low price but in the gig competition i found people with same gig will charge handsome amount, so if i increase my gig pricing, will it affect on gig ranking or ratio?
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