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Everything posted by asmakhanv

  1. Hi, I need help. Can someone help me please. I am facing a buyer who is not accepting my delivery for no reason. I asked what is the problem. He replied that I need more time but the order is 27 days late. I changed several times as he said. I worked extra for him. He gave me a very low quality image and I edited it. He is delaying for no reason. I think if I contact customer support they can cancel my order. I would not like to cancel. I worked hard and I don't like someone taking my work for free. Can anyone tell me what should I do?
  2. I have an order that is very late because Bayer wants more work from me. I sent an extended delivery request. By then the delivery time had also arrived. The buyer was new and he did not know how to accept, and he was saying that at present he does not have a laptop. I have told him with the help of screen shots and video how to accept on phones. The buyer is now offline for 14 hours. What do I do now ?Will this affect my account?
  3. It happens to me too, but I have successfully completed 2 orders. I recommend that you do not delete the account. Be patient If your gig is good, then you will get the order soon.
  4. Can I put my company logo on the gig thumbnail?
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