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Posts posted by clarac155

  1. I had the same question for a long time. Recently I’ve had an interest in growing. I’m just about to become a level one seller and I was confused why I didn’t get any briefs. Today I added a new gig and updated some old ones and within an hour I had gotten my first brief. If it’s not lacking I’m not going to suggest you change anything but if you think you could improve your gigs I would say edit them and see if anything changes . I’ve also had about twelve sales with all five stars so far so I would also say give it time, I’ve been on fiverr for about two years for reference but I know many sellers only a month or two in with much more sales who get briefs so it all depends on the seller. This is just what worked for me. 

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  2. I’ve had some feedback before that maybe it’s my keywords , I’ve tried researching and changing them with little to no change , if anyone has suggested keywords or advice with that it’s appreciated 

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  3. Hi there ,

    I’ve been on fiverr for about two years it’s always been a side job I have enjoyed . I typically work on longer projects so I’ve only had about 12 orders , I’ve really been wanting to grow . The strange thing is my impressions or clicks are very low but have a high conversion rate , sometimes I only get one or two clicks a month and 30 or so impressions but will get an order from that one or two clicks. This is my main gig https://www.fiverr.com/s/kV1VAg

    if anyone could offer some advice on that or my overall profile I would really appreciate it, I’ve got high conversion and great reviews as I’ve had the chance to work with some great people but I feel I’m sometimes not getting pushed, this month is better with 400 impressions and 5 clicks but no orders and I would obviously like to grow from this, given I’ve been doing this for some time . Let me know, any feedback is appreciated! 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

    I don't need to check your gig to know the answer. The reason you have no sales is one, you aren't connecting to your target customers, and two, you aren't overcoming your competition. 

    So how do I do that?.?

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  5. On 6/12/2022 at 2:30 PM, joyh97 said:

    To be a Pro seller you have to have actual experience, not just talent. You need to have demonstrated consistent quality and professionalism, doesn't have to be on fiverr, can be elsewhere in your career, but I would assume a 14 year old doesn't have enough experience/history to demonstrate this even if they're talented. I would guess it's more likely for a 17 year old who has been working professionally for many years. So yeah not an age limit as much, but a "proven track record" limit.

    You do not need to have experience to freelance no where on fiverr does it say that , what it does say is that you need to be professional and capable . Once a fourteen year old has samples or any other proof of work it’s peoples decision if they want to hire them you also don’t have to state your age to clients so they are basically treated the same as adults on the app . Which is fair 

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  6. I have a gig ( I will write a y’a or kids story) 


    and I was wondering if someone could take a look and see why I’m not getting any sales on it , I know there might not be one solid answer but any improvements that could help are useful!

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  7. I started Fiverr about a 12-18 months ago . I’ve never taken it seriously but it’s always been an interesting fun way to get some extra cash. I’ve always had periods Maybe 3-4 weeks with out a sale but recently I haven’t gotten a sale for 4+ months . I’ve been in exams so I had no time to worry about it but it’s strange that nothing on my account was changed and I’m still not getting even any enquiry’s. This summer I’m looking to take it more seriously and I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if anyone could look at my account and help (I already know that the overall titles and images aren’t great but even with that I would always get some sales. 

    any advice is appreciated (even if it’s harsh) 

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