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Everything posted by srennielsen

  1. Hi So, I guess I am here to understand the "why" everything is so slow? I'm getting orders now and then but it's not enough to make a living out of it. I would probably get 1 per week and I wish to increase that to 1 per day. How can I make things go faster? I could use some valid tips Thanks
  2. You should edit your gig. If he does not get any impressions then his gig is not being viewed by anyone. Edit it and wait 3 days to see how the gig is performing. If he had 1k impressions then he should not edit his gig
  3. Edit your gigs and wait. Still no orders? Then repeat.
  4. So there are sellers doing Gig promotion. But are they really worth it? What are your opinions
  5. So you received 5 orders without doing anything ? That's not true we all know you created a gig😂
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