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Everything posted by srennielsen

  1. Hi So, I guess I am here to understand the "why" everything is so slow? I'm getting orders now and then but it's not enough to make a living out of it. I would probably get 1 per week and I wish to increase that to 1 per day. How can I make things go faster? I could use some valid tips Thanks
  2. Hello. What happens if you delete your gig? And what if that gig has reviews on it? Have a nice day and thank you.
  3. Try Buyer Request... That's how I got my first order. Hope this helps. Oh, and one more thing - be patient and persistent. It can take alot of days before you get your first order/review.
  4. Is there a secret formula or something? I'm a new seller wondering why my translate gig is doing better than my other gigs??
  5. I checked my gig on how it is performing today and it seems like 6 of my gigs just took a sky dive to the bottom? Why did this happen?
  6. You should edit your gig. If he does not get any impressions then his gig is not being viewed by anyone. Edit it and wait 3 days to see how the gig is performing. If he had 1k impressions then he should not edit his gig
  7. Edit your gigs and wait. Still no orders? Then repeat.
  8. What makes me think that is the low amount of impressions I get on the gig.
  9. How do I get on first page? Or how do I make an increase in my gig impressions
  10. I don't understand 100% what you mean.
  11. But the gig already has 1 order on it plus will it not be affected if any changes were made to it?
  12. Thank you. I do wonder where you learned all this?
  13. But should you even edit your gigs.
  14. So... I have 7 gigs... no orders is coming in. Ofc I do BR and being patient but... anyway. I am here to some gig rules like Do's and Don't. Some of my gigs has gotten a order and other dont but with alot of impressions... Should I delete one to make a new one?
  15. Hello. I made 7 gigs now. But I am confused on What to do now. Do I just sit around and wait for an order or? ( I know to do 10 BR everyday ) Another question. Is it even healthy to work on a new design every single day? I hope you have the answer for me.
  16. When is it okay to delete an Gig? If nothing really happens to it. Are there some rules before deleting a gig?
  17. So there are sellers doing Gig promotion. But are they really worth it? What are your opinions
  18. So you received 5 orders without doing anything ? That's not true we all know you created a gig😂
  19. So my gig does not get so many impressions and clicks. It's been a while since I made the gig so should I delete it and make a new one?
  20. Can someone explain what these stand for? Especially impressions Thx
  21. So I want to get into freelancing. But I know there are some core values on how and what you must do. I am looking for tip for growth as a business and what I must do to gain more sales and so on. Any tip are welcome here. let's say I just started on fiverr which I almost did and got my first order or 3 whatever... what would the next step be?? and third step
  22. So I am just wondering... What makes buyer requests appear? I have 6 gigs but all I see is requests about logo designing? Am I doing something wrong
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