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  1. 500 impression is not at all bad number. but the clicks are very low. This indicate that the problem is in the thumbnail. try to enhance the image. mention few things on the thumbnail so that custom want to know more about the gig and clicks on it. 500 impressions should get at least 5 to 10 impression. If the number is below this, that means people seeing the gig in the list but not clicking on it, the thumbnail is not working. Work on your thumbnails, keep track on your data with new thumbnail for 30 days. don't change anything before completing 30 days. If the new doesn't worked, create another one and keep trying. Best of luck, Gusai.
  2. Hi Masud, You need to tweak your thumbnail for 2 reasons, Your text is getting cropped and try to make it more catchy. write some one feature or a thing that attracts clients on the thumbnail itself. I think this should work to get more clicks. If you getting clicks or start getting clicks after the thumbnail is improved and still not getting any order or inquiry messages. This is can be indication of bad description, In that case you will need to Improve your description too. Go and explore same Gig of successful buyers and try not to copy it but create something unique of yours that one on is providing. For example you explore for niche buyer, instead of just landing page, try "Product landing page" or "Landing page for real estate", these are just examples. I think targeting particular buyer should work too. All the best, Gusai.
  3. Hey Rahul, I checked your profile. Can you share what are your Impressions and clicks for last 30 days?
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