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Posts posted by aashirsulehriya

  1. 10 minutes ago, iproretoucher said:

    I've a problem with my gig and I'd like to know if someone has been disabled from receiving briefs.

    Two or three weeks ago I'd a client who sent me 5 photos to retouch, but when the work was finished he rejected the delivery and  asked me for different modifications to the agreement we'd made, he also sent me new photos, which I'd not agree to and i decided to cancell the order,. I sent all the screenshots of the conversation and the request that he made to me at the beginning,  also made a sample of the instructions and the work that I'd to showing that I complied with what was agreed, but the technical support told me to finish the job. The client rejected the cancellation and I was forced to finish the job so as not to have a bad rating. However, when I made the delivery and the client accepted it, he rated me with 3 stars, which hurt my gig since before I always had a 5 star rating. Today I read that in addition to the public rating, the client has the option of sending a private rating.

    Since that day (two or three weeks ago) I stopped receiving Briefs, my gig lost the Fiverr Choice badge and I also started to go down fast in the search engine.

    For that reason, I wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience and how reactivated the Briefs option (it worked fine for me using this option, since I got many jobs)

    I hope someone can tell me about their experience and how managed to recover gig position. Thank you.


    Fiverr Stats.jpeg

    I am sorry to hear that but this is harsh reality of Fiverr. Fiverr will always support their buyers as they are the ones who are bringing money lol. 


    He/She definitely left you a bad rating in private. That's why you have Lost your rank and everything. Now there is no room to cry, just move on. Get some more sales and good reviews. You'll get your rank back. Good luck 🤞

    • Like 7
  2. Hello everyone!

    I googled but couldn't find the answer.

    My question is how do you justify your Freelance work to visa officer? 

    Everyone knows that if you are applying for a visa you need a stable bank statement and a source of income. 

    I am only working on Fiverr from last 2 years. Also, exact income is not guaranteed on Fiverr because you don't get the orders all the time. 

    How do you convince the visa officer that you have a source of income and you are self employed on Fiverr. I don't have any business name, just a personal account where i am providing video editing services. 


    I would appreciate if someone can answer and if you have already applied somewhere with Fiverr background? What documents did you show? TIA

    • Like 13
  3. On 12/12/2022 at 3:27 PM, levelup_graphic said:

    Today I wanna share with this community members, how to do proper seo on your gig (Including Title, Description and tags)

    Let's Talk about it 🙂

    If you doesn't know how to do proper SEO in your gig, this topic will be help to for that.

    Example: if you choose a keyword for publish a gig (Look like Keyword is "Business Logo Design")

    Set your title like this

    👁️‍🗨️ I will do creative business logo design for your brand. 

    Following Instruction for description:

    • Use Main keyword on first line
    • Use 4 times main keyword (BUSINESS LOGO DESIGN) 
    • Use 5 times secondary keyword (LOGO DESIGN) 
    • Use 6 times technical keyword (LOGO) 
    • And use 1200 character into the description 

    Now talk about Tags: 

    • First keyword (business logo design)
    • 2nd (logo design)
    • 3rd (business logo)
    • 4th (creative logo)
    • 5th (logo maker)

    Now optimize time 🙂

    Main keyword on the pricing sector

    • Use main keyword on price description box

    and Finally 

    • Use main keyword on the FAQ Section.

    if follow this instruction, your SEO will be work greatly.

    Don't forget to correction any mistakes 🙂


    Looking forward to your good response


    Thanks Regard






    Fiverr doesn't allow too many stuffing 

    • Like 10
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  4. 22 hours ago, kalmatidesign said:

    Hello all members,


    I have completed more than 2K+ Orders since joint the Fiverr in 2015, but now things are changed, I am not getting new buyers, however, I have earned some money by repeat buyers, but I can't see any new buyers at Fiverr now. I have got my gigs promoted offer too, never the less, no new buyer.

    Do you people also face such things?


    I am facing the same issue. Fiverr algorithm isn't working properly. I am a level two seller and my status are 100% but its been months that i didn't get any new buyer. Only getting orders from repeat buyers. 

    I used to send buyer request and was getting few orders from there but now Fiverr has introduced new feature " Brief matching" which sucks. 

    If Fiverr algorithm doesn't work properly within few months, i will be leaving Fiverr. There is no hope staying on this platform, we can easily make sales from the Facebook and we don't need to pay 20% comission as well, if we are giving 20% comission and using this platform, at least we should get the fair sales. 

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  5. I don't have any friends 😃

    When i feel lonely, i go to parties or gatherings to socialize with people. I am very introvert kind of person, i don't enjoy large gatherings but just to kill my loneliness i had to go to such places.

    Sometimes, i take my laptop to any cafe and do work from there just to make sure that i am surrounded by people 😃

    • Like 21
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  6. On 10/30/2022 at 6:41 AM, donnovan86 said:

    It's a free service and you make money from it. You're not paying to sell here, and you made a profit. So.. 

    You are getting something in return, a platform to send and deliver files, payments and marketing are handled by Fiverr, so you just do the work. 

    What new system? The briefs are optional, and you don't have to use them. For me they were just as bad as buyer requests so it's a waste of time either way. Just people underpricing services to get the cheapest price.

    Free services? Wow! We are living in 21st century and the world has changed now. We can use many other social media platforms for deliveries and receiving/sending the payments. Why Fiverr than? Why do you need to work hard to bring sales for Fiverr where they get the comission of 20%, i am willing to pay more than that if Fiverr promotes my services.

    It is bitter reality that Fiverr is losing their reputation now and their algorithm sucks. 

    Marketing handled by Fiverr? One of the worst marketing services i have ever seen on Fiverr. I swear that my marketing strategies are more powerful than Fiverr at least i achieved my seller 2 badge with that which makes no sense in a real. Lol

    I am not here to ditch Fiverr but at least give me one solid reason for staying on this platform. 

    • Like 18
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  7. I am a level 2 seller and working on Fiverr from last two years, i worked really hard to achieve this level. 

    I optimized my gigs and did marketing as well, i gave many new clients to Fiverr who even didn't know about the Fiverr and signed on this platform just because of me. I almost made sales from the Facebook and different social media platforms. I am glad that my marketing strategies are very powerful and i am able to make the sales.


    Well, the point is what i am getting from the Fiverr? 


    On Fiverr, i was scammed multiple times and Fiverr couldn't help me with that scammers. 

    I bought many clients on Fiverr but Fiverr didn't promote my gigs. I made some sales from buyers request as well but now buyer requests are gone and replaced with the so called brief feature.


    I didn't get any brief yet neither i am getting any messages in my inbox. 

    Now, i feel there is no hope being staying on this platform. If i can make the sales from Facebook than why would i take the orders on Fiverr and give Fiverr 20% of comission? Obviously you deserve something in return. 

    Please don't suggest me to optimize or market the gigs, i have done that and i got the sales as well, if you see my profile and say that i have delivered the order recently ( which means that order was from Facebook). 

    What is the future of new sellers on Fiverr? We level 2 sellers are ruined by the Fiverr new system. 

    Buyer request was the only hope for people to get some orders but now i don't see anything for new sellers to stay on this platform. 

    And the brief system is limited to few sellers only. Wow! Fiverr is playing very well here. 

    • Like 18
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  8. 43 minutes ago, veyento said:

    Did anybody find anything new in the last update? I didn't find anything. If anybody find anything, please give a screenshot.

    Same here. The way they announced i literally thought that something big is gonna happen. I am still facing the inbox and many other issues after the update. My buyer request section is full of scammers with YouTube link.  

    • Like 14
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  9. 11 hours ago, ncrypto said:

    Well of course when one used to make a few thousands of dollars with help of promoted gigs will differ than making a few hundred without such perk! it doesnt mean i also have to wait for 14 days to withdraw! why removing the early payout as well?! 

    Another couple of points..

    Last week i got notice of a cancelled order that was placed in MAY! It made my order completion go from 100% to 90%, is this all normal? Having an order cancelled 5 months later and affecting rating by 10% ?

    Repeated Buyers Badge, The counter stopped at 94% with 10 buyers, yet several orders were placed all from repeat buyers and only the (repeat buyers %) and (earnings %) that change the rest is the same. 



    I am sure it happened due to the order cancellation and also could be private feedback from your clients.  

    • Like 9
  10. I am a level two seller and working from last 1 and half year as a video editor. 

    My question is what price have you set for matching briefs?  I didn't get any single matching briefs, i don't know why its not working for me, i keep changing the brief prices after a week but still i don't get any match. Also, buyer requests are totally garbage, people are just putting links of their YouTube channels and their Fiverr gig profile. There is nothing left to see in buyer's request. 


    Where we should go? Buyer Requests are garbage and briefs are not getting matched, i am only getting from my repeated buyers and from social media. 


    90% of my orders are from social media, i worked really hard to get level two badge. I have used gig promotion features too but i only get 100 impressions in a week. Nothing seems to be working out. Any suggestions? TIA

    • Like 7
  11. On 9/13/2022 at 8:27 PM, mjensen415 said:

    Fiverr will be performing site maintenance on Saturday/Sunday (Sept 17th/18th). The site will be unavailable starting at 5am GMT/UTC.

    On September 18th, 2022, starting at 5:00 AM UTC, Fiverr will be down for a few short hours so that we can upgrade our systems and improve the site’s efficiency. To avoid running into any issues, be sure to schedule activities and deliveries accordingly. 

    Maintenance start times:
    UTC - 5am, Sept 18th
    BST - 6am, Sept 18th

    EDT - 1am, Sept 18th
    PDT - 11pm, Sept 17th

    Will my seller statistics/Gig rankings be affected?

    They shouldn’t be. We’ll make every effort to undo any negative impact this downtime may have on your on-time delivery stats and response rates, but you can contact Support for assistance should you notice any changes.  

    How will my orders be affected?

    Good news: they won’t be! We’ll be back up and running shortly so orders and deliveries should continue as usual. That said, we do recommend you deliver any pending orders prior to the downtime, if possible, or request a delivery extension if the downtime will interfere with any of your deadlines. As always, we’re here if you run into any issues.

    My Fiverr is not working well since the dashboard has changed. I have to click on message 3-4 times to get it open and also whenever i switch to buyer mode it doesn't go with a single click, i have to click 2-3 times. I am facing these issues in google chrome. I am hoping that these glitches will be fixed. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, stormborn9862 said:

    I was just going through the "My earnings" Tab, and i saw that the fiver has this new option in beta mode that allows you to instantly transfer the funds at the expanse of some charges. The charges range from $0.16 to $0.60 depending on the amount that is to be loaded. So i believe its a wonderful option for those who dont want to wait for 14 days period and get the funds from the orders instantly. I hardly spent $2 and got all of my funds then and there only. 

    I couldn't find that option 

    • Like 6
  13. With lots of dedication and hard work, i am upgraded to level 2 seller. All thanks to Fiverr and Fiverr team who are always there to solve our queries and support us in a best possible manner. 


    Nothing is impossible, you can achieve this too. Just don't lose your hope and work hard towards your goal. 


    • Like 43
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  14. 13 minutes ago, mbamunna said:

    It'll be promoted in next evaluation. Don't worry. Keep up your good work.

    Do you mean in next 16 july evaluation? My 15 june evaluation didn't happen

    • Like 3
  15. Hi everyone, 

    Last month i was demoted from level 1 seller to new seller due to my compilation rate. Luckily i was able to maintain the compilation rate again. I was supposed to get my level one badge again but evaluation didn't happen. Evaluation still says 15 june and is stuck. I contacted CS but no reply yet. Have anyone experienced this? 

    • Like 7
  16. On 10/16/2021 at 11:41 AM, nahidkhan415 said:

    My Name is Nahid and I am a Level 2 seller on fiverr. I earned more than $40k  in just one year on fiverr. I used to be in the first place at first page on search result. But suddenly yesterday my gig de-ranked. Also my gig promotion service turned off automatically. Its showing unqualified now.

    My gig is not available in the rearch result not even in 20 page.

    I was so depressed and I was searching for the solution. The worstcase scenario is I see so many sellers facing the same problem.  

    I contacted with support as well but they did not clearly mentioned any valid reason. So I decided to find it myself.

    The most common reason of ranking down is the order cancellation. I contacted with so many sellers with same problem and they told they cancelled 1-2 orders for having too much pressure and unexpected orders.

    I cancelled my orders from fiverr support and Never loose any ratings on profile. But it causes my profile down.

    Please be aware when you are taking orders. Any cancellation can be harmful for your career. 

    Same happened with me. My gig was showing in the first page . I had a buyer who was a scammer, she got the desired work and at the end she cancelled the order by contacting fiverr support team. After that my gig went down to page 11 which was so depressing with me. I think for now the only thing will work is getting more orders and reviews to get back to the same position. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 12:47 PM, hamzakhan578 said:

    Hi I am facing the same issue of  gig promotion service turned off automatically and deranking for the third time from last year. second time it took five months to recover the gig ranking.

    Do you know any tips to recover back soon?

    Five months, seriously? 😱 I think getting more orders and reviews will help now. 

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