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Status Updates posted by shajnin_mahbub

  1. As a beginner level seller in Fivver,  how many gigs should a seller open? I have been given advice from some senior freelancers that it is wiser to create 2-3 gigs for the same service modifying each a bit. The reason they gave was that not all of the gigs will rank so it's better to open more gigs and eventually some of them will rank or get good impressions and you'll get work. Is it true? What's the optimal number of gigs? 


    একজন নতুন সেলার হিসেবে ফাইভারে কয়টি গিগ থাকা প্রয়োজন?  কিছু অভিজ্ঞ সেলার এর থেকে আমি শুনেছি যে একই স্কিলের জন্য দুই তিনটা গিগ থাকা ভালো । ফাইভরে সব গিগ একসাথে রেঙ্ক করেনা তাই অনেক গুলো গিগ খুলে রাখলে যেকোনো একটা/কয়েকটা গিগ র‍্যাঙ্ক করার সম্ভাবনা থাকে, এতে করে কাজ পাওয়া সম্ভবনা বেড়ে যায়। এটা আসলে কতটা সত্যি? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shajnin_mahbub


      Thanks for the info 

    3. wix_techs


      That's right 

      You will have the ability to receive briefs on the gigs 

    4. shurmashammi


      Thats right.


  2. Hii, I'm new here on Fivver. As a new seller, I would like to request all existing successful sellers to share some tips and trick to get my gig noticed by potential clients?




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  3. Hii, I'm new here on Fivver. As a fellow seller, I would request all existing successful sellers to share some tips and trick to get my gig noticed by potential clients?

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