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Status Updates posted by atikhm

  1. Hlw everyone


  2. Give me some instruction 

  3. There is someone to help

  4. I love my work 

  5. I love my work 

  6. Everyone is like everyone else 

  7. Hi everyone 


  8. I need a idea for success

  9. What joy comes suddenly 

  10. The color of the sky changes over time ,

    1. lloydsolutions


      Posting on the forum will not benefit your Fiverr account in any way.

    2. atikhm


      What to do then ?


    3. lloydsolutions


      Read this: 


  11. Build skills before working 

  12. Trust your self

  13. I do what i say

  14. Everyone is lie everyone else 

  15. Maybe coming closer to a million 

  16. 🥰 I'm glad 

  17. How are you all ?

  18. Everyone is fine 

  19. Don't look at what anyone says, do as you please 

  20. You have to be patient to work or not 

  21. Be more careful 

  22. We will all succeed one day 

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